Saturday, October 3, 2020

Chappan Bhog - Way to say Thankyou

 Chappan Bhog - Way to say Thankyou

Chappan Bhog - prasad (offerings) of 56 varieties were offered by way of 'thanksgiving' after pooja......

neither this pooja or the offering was 'in anticipation of the desires to be fulfilled or conditions to be made conducive' in life........

this was done purely to say and by way of thanks for all that is offered already in life.......

the previous few weeks that you all did 'thanks through sadhan' - this was one more angle to it.......

when heart is filled with 'gratitude or thanks' and mind is free from logical reasoning and calculations, a person finds umpteen ways of thanking and expressing gratitude and thanks for all received......

one who wants to give by way of appreciation, affection, love and thanks giving is never short of ways of giving to the person to whom he wants to show his appreciation.....

As per mythology Lord Krishna lifted Govardhan mountain to protect the villagers of Gokul against the onslaught of rain. He stood without food for 7 whole days and protected the villagers from the wrath of Lord Indra. It is said Lord Krishna would eat 8 times a day. So on the 8th day, when the rain finally stopped, the villagers prepared 7X8 varieties i.e., 56 varieties of food as thanksgiving to him and fed him with lots of love, gratitude and affection. 


(some items offered are not to be seen in this picture - my photographic skills?!? - for those intelligent ones who are counting to find some fault in this.....)

read previous post once again to understand this giving :


Vaibhav said...

Thank you so much mam for letting us know the story of Chappan Bhog... never knew this before.

Kshitija said...

Thank you for thanking him on my behalf too

V Sridhar said...

Thank you both for the Chapan bhog & the story of 56 varieties of food...
Love & Gratitude 🙏❤️