Tuesday, October 6, 2020

On playing a game


On playing a game

Most part of my work involves writing and the other big part of my work involves ‘blogging’. I need to sit for hours on computers and I get rebuked often for a job that doesn’t pay a penny. I end up undergoing immense physical discomfort, strain and suffering. So at the end of the day, I give myself a treat – a game of solitaire I play just before shutting down the computer. Someday, the game doesn’t end  well– meaning I lose!

Many times, I just play couple of times more, lose that many times and then call it a day! But there are few days, this addiction get the better of me! I lose ‘awareness’ of playing and get lost in playing and end up even playing for an hour or so! When I look at time, I shut down reluctantly as I hadn’t won that day! Addiction of any kind makes us lose our cool sooner or later!

Today was one such day. I lost. I couldn’t get myself to get up and go! So, I continued with second game. I lost again! I waited…should I leave or continue?

The time said “Go to bed!” but…..

Earlier today, someone told me that they go to bed at 10 PM come what may and so they get good sleep and also are able to get up early! They said many other things but their ‘discipline’ to be in bed at 10 PM stuck with me.

I ‘receive’ messages from and through everyone and everything! 


# discipline, messages, addiction, playing a game, learning from a game,

also read : https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=lose%2C+feedback 

Pointers : 

For a change you tell me "The Pointers" in this post.......

Covid Challenge : 

Are you still with covid challenge?

Once you pick up a good and right habit though under wrong circumstances, don't let go of it!

Right way of living once caught has to be lived effortlessly and without a thought of doing it daily.

Right eating, sleeping and working out should be a part of life....not a favour we are doing on Universe to seek benefits from it....

When we have right way of living it just means, we are doing our part of the job right. Period! Nothing more! It is not a coupon to demand some fulfillment of our desire at later day.

When we drive a vehicle we keep it serviced and see that the brakes function right. That doesn't mean we will not meet with an accident. We still could and may! If one says "What is the use of keeping the vehicle as I any how met with an accident and had a fracture? I as well may drive a vehicle which is not properly maintained...

What would YOU call a person who puts forth such an argument? What do you call such a logic?

When we say we don't have time to exercise, do yoga, do pranayamam our excuses sound just the same to those who are hearing it.......listen to what you say before saying it aloud!

1 comment:

V Sridhar said...

For me covid challenge continues.. walking 5-6 kms a day, exercises.. I just included surya namaskar (just once per day though)...& the Sadhan.. cooking etc.. No let up on that...but I take a luxury nap in the afternoon that really refreshes me...I loved the quote on "There is virtue in work & there is virtue in rest. Use both & overlook neither."👍
With love & gratitude ❤️🙏