Monday, October 5, 2020

Strange are the ways of our desires!


Strange are the ways of our desires!

We seem to have a strange request by way of our desires. We want our spouse to be intelligent enough for us to flaunt them and their success and achievements!

We want them smart enough to do all the sundry jobs to ease our lives.

And yet, we want them to be stupid enough to dance to our tunes!?! We want them stupid enough to ‘listen’ to all our demands without even blinking forget about thinking!?

We want them to think a world of us when we see how ‘stupid’ they are!

What a joke!

No doubt, we suffer through every relationship where our dynamics is so!


Pointers to understand : 

Apply this character expectation from every person in our it boss, colleague, relatives or friends......we want them intelligent enough to be of use to us and yet stupid enough to take us for great people.....otherwise, we get angry.....are we angry at their stupidity or that they don't listen to our expectations?

Or are we angry that they are smart enough to not look at our 'greatness'?

Think about it!

Maybe, in the answer to these questions lie the solution to all our problems in our relationship?


Mona said...

Applies to our helps/employees as well. We want them to be intelligent enough to understand and complete all the assigned tasks fast, but stupid enough to work for meagre salaries.

Kshitija said...

Thank you for the pointers I
Will work on it and make a note of my learning’s in the journal
Also I will try sharing once I am done