Friday, January 22, 2016

No snowflake ever falls at a wrong place

Snow fall in Shimla - India

No snowflake falls ever at a wrong place


One snowflake falls on a leaf, the other on the river and yet other on the roof top. “Every snowflake has fallen at the right place”. Meaning the snowflake that fell on leaf could’ve fallen on river and vice-versa can not hold good in “Divine Drama”. It can be our wish to see them interchange their place of fall but the Universe doesn’t work on coincidences or accidents. 


It puts every snowflake exactly at the point it is supposed to fall or be. Universe never – I repeat never makes mistakes. It programs everything so coordinately accurate and sees to it that it happens that way. Agreed many times we don’t can’t and won’t see the “Divine Drama” and with our limited intelligence, sight or understanding along with short term desires driven with immediate emotions want or don’t want certain things go in a certain way – yet it is how it is supposed to be and so it is!


Whenever we hear or read about Karna (I mean most of people I’ve met), feel bad for him. I’ve found people calling his life as very painful and that of injustice. That is so true when we look at his life as in Mahabharata as Karna – that is when we see that topically or locally. 


We usually see an event and judge it as right and wrong but the Universe knows that an event is just a dot in the linear line of time and then it is right – always!


Karna seeking boon from Sun God



Karna in his previous life was an Asura by name Dambhodbhava who did intense penance to appease Sun God and when Sun God pleased with his devotion appeared before him to grant his wish, Dambhodbhava replied “Make me immortal”. This was one wish that no God could give to anyone and hence Sun God requested him to ask another boon. Dambhodbhava thought for quite some time and prayed “cover me with 1000 golden kavacha (armour) and may any one who breaks even one armour should die immediately and only a person who has done penance for 1000 years should be good enough to break even single of my armour.





Mona said...

Just came across this online:
Clouds do not drift in the wrong direction,
Nor do snowflakes fall in the wrong place.
A fish can thrash against the current
And make no progress;
Or it can do nothing, and float for miles.
When you let go of the handrail of life,
No wrongs can befall you.
If you open your mind to the Dao,
You can never die.

Vaibhav said...

Wow...Never imagined that Karan had such an exciting & Thrilling past.... Very eager to read further....

REVATHI said...

excellent poem madhumita thankyou

Belén CS said...

Thanks for your words. A hug from Spain. Heré we say Everything happens for a reason.