Saturday, January 2, 2016


Everyone has darknes within. 

Until we have seen someone's darkness, we really don't know 'who they are'!

Until we have forgiven someone's darkness, we really don't know 'what we are capable of' and 'what we are'!

And until we have forgiven someone's darkness, we will never know what 'love' is!

And we keep complaining that we don't find 'love' anywhere! We never will and never can until we raise our capability high enough to forgive someone of their 'darkness'. And to do that, we need to stop finding reasons to 'get even with them' or 'to right the wrong'. Till we harbour hatred, justice or logic we can never forgive enough..........

And we remain losers as we lose the opportunity to love, to know love and to BE LOVE!

Till the day we find LOVE, we can never know what real 'peace' is!

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