Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Why can't we just sit and visualize anything?

What I would as CM/PM do to address the issues of terrorism?

“We have already lived this moment or for that matter every moment of life long before it has actually happened”.


Surprising? But, yes, it is true! How come? We live in our imaginations all those moments long before they’ve happened and put the seed of cause for every event and then suffer when such events happen in actuality.


So, knowing this why would I even hypothetically imagine myself as CM/PM and enact various situations faced and solved by me?

No. Not in my right sense. Because, then in some life time I would’ve to live that fantasy of mine and I am sure as of now as to what I don’t want for sure to experience. So……..


Once Brahma’s Manas purtra (Mind born son) went to sleep and had a dream.


 Brahma’s son was born Brahma Gnani that is one who knew Brahman (the one Universal force or cosmic power) by birth. Brahma Gnani’s never go to sleep leave along having a dream. But he did and in his dream he saw himself leading ‘Devas’ (demi-gods) against asuras (demons) in war. He saw himself very blood thirsty chieftain who was asking his devas to go for asuras and vanquish them completely. He got up with a jerk. He found this very odd. So, he sought explanation from his father – Brahma – regarding dream. Brahma smiled and replied “you in one of the lives were a son of a sage and were leading a life of a hermit when you heard lots of tales of woes, sufferings, tortures given by asuras to Rishis and innocent people. Being young and sensitive to the suffering of helpless, innocent and good people your blood boiled and you ever nurtured a thought to wipe out asuras from the world. But as a hermit your desire could not find an avenue to express it and that was the only desire you did not heal/experience before becoming “enlightened”. But the rule of Universe is that every psychic impression should find expression either in reality, fantasy or dream or healed completed so that it is transmuted completely out of the system. So, today you lived that psychic impression and let it out of your system completely. That’s all!”




Madhumita said...

Yeah, it's true. Thoughts are things. And we realise it even more with reiki. Yesterday someone told me that I might develop a back problem sometime. I got a little worried and today I have a back ache. :-( I should just have cancelled the thought.

REVATHI said...

even if you haven't cancelled it when it was told to you, do it the moment you realize it but just close your eyes for couple of minutes and meditate - just couple of minutes and trust me the issue would be resolved then and there.......

Kshitija said...

Yea this is true I suffered with cold some time back and when I have meditated I have experienced that it has been healed 90%

Vaibhav said...

Sorry Revathi Mam,

I just wanted to know how people like you would act/think in such a situation when compared to existing Government/Politicians...

I did not put that in words properly...


Yes as you have correctly said the position of being a Healer is much more than anything else..

"in such a case, the post more powerful and of higher authority is that of a healer only."

Thanks for clarifying this... A new perspective for me...never thought in this angle...