Tuesday, January 12, 2016

A miracle dog


The dog then moves to the front exit of the door and waits for the bus stop to arrive looking outside. As soon as the stop is in sight he wags his tail to inform the driver to stop. Then not even waiting for the bus stop to arrive the dog jumps out and runs to the house nearby. It opens a big iron gate and gate and rushes towards the door. As it approaches the door, he changes his mind and walks towards the garden. The dog walks up to the window and beats his head several times on the window. it then walks back to the door and waits. The shopkeeper maintaining his senses walks up to the door and watches a big guy open the door.

The guy starts beating, kicking and abusing the dog. The shopkeeper is surprised and runs to stop the guy. The shopkeeper questions the guy "What in the heaven are you doing? The dog is a genius he could be famous in life". The guy responds "you call this clever? This is the 3rd time in this week that the dog has forgotten the door keys".

Always remember "You may continue to exceed onlookers expectations.....but will always fall short of 'dissatisfied person' ". 

So, stop worrying about others' 'report card' and just excel in whatever you do......work on your self and become better with every day......

You may become a 'miracle dog'  to please the person whom you wish to win accolades from but you will remain 'just a dog'  for him and he will find some way to point out where you went wrong or fell short of! 

Don't let others abuse you because of your weakness to earn their kudos.



vaibhav said...

Thank you mam....The Miracle Dog Story Was very nice and heart soothing..it explained so many things.. basically having confidence on ourself and trying to improve ourselves sincerely on day to day basis instead of feeling bad / hurt & keeping anger on other's coz of their comments...

Kshitija said...

This post helped me today