Friday, January 15, 2016

Me, My Guru

 Me, My Guru

The day I received naught!

I was angry all the while and I pushed open the door with such force that it hit the wall with a bang.

“Instead of vomiting your anger on the poor door, why don’t you sit and talk to your anger” came her voice across the trees.

I turned my head in the direction of her voice and saw her pruning her rose plants. Today, we didn’t have class or any meeting. I just came to meet her or should I say I didn’t know where to go and what to do with my state of mind and hence came here.  Her place was ‘go-to’ at such times. Today was no different from other such days.

She was pruning her rose plants when I went and sat on a rock near her. She loved roses, I assumed by the look she had when she tended these plants and by the number of plants she had of them. But so did most percentage of people in the world. May be, that’s how it acquired the status of “king of flowers”. But enough of roses, I was in no mood to look at them, think about them or about my Guru.





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