Tuesday, January 26, 2016

There are no coincidences......



Every summit was reached with every step taken.


The journey of thousand miles started with one and first step.

So, be in sadhan. Don’t wait for me others to remind you. Without your effort, desire and choices you make, you can never be where you wish to be. So start NOW. It’s never too late!

It’s now or never.

Every event or effect has a cause.

Everything happens for a reason and in season as no snowflake falls at wrong place – ever!

I’ve only hinted at the meaning of this saying “No Snowflake ever falls at the wrong place!”

If you really want to benefit from its understanding, keep thinking on it atleast twice 5 mts/day. See if any event can be summed up in this phrase – if so why?

Any insight you, share it with others in ‘comments section’ so that others also can have that perspective and you’ll also inspire someone to think on similar lines.

If we have complains about the world being the way it is and then we need to let more people think on our lines to see the change that we seek. So, share your insights with all. If you can’t in your circle do it through our blog. Because every action decides where a certain snowflake should fall at a certain point of time. 


Keep sharing, keep growing……..



I just love this song from "diya and toofan" very old classic black and white film "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JximDhMbBk 

saw it as a kid and loved it so much and knew what faith was........





Kshitija said...

Revathi Mam
I never knew this song existed but
Now when I hear it is really a wonderful
Song on faith I heard it again and again and it was like some one pouring strength into me assuring me that they are there for us

Mona said...

No snow flake falls in the wrong place, such a beautiful lesson! It’s easy to accept this when things go right, like a missed train, causing me to miss an accident.
But it’s very difficult to digest when it causes something painful to us. For example a series of unlikely events which occur and cause someone’s ill health or death. But we do have to keep the faith in Gods plan and be in Sadhan. 🙏