Sunday, January 17, 2016

Me, My Guru



I was still lost in such thoughts when I saw her go in. Go in? How could she? I had come with so much of pain and she left me sitting there alone. Nothing seemed right today. Everything and everyone seemed to work against me for sure. I was left being huffing and puffing. And I knew I was left with it for quite sometime to come. Oh! How I hated her at such times. Yes. I hated for giving answers which I didn’t want to hear. And she would know what I wanted to hear. And she would know what I wanted to hear and yet, yet she never gave that answer. That’s why I hated her at such moments!

Did she know this? Well, like most of the questions related to her, this one too would remain unanswered.

But today it was not about her. It was about no one else. It was solely about me and my emotions – especially my anger and I was good with it. I didn’t accept her answer. Not that it was difficult to understand. Because, I chose to not understand it today!

Maybe later, maybe never! But today no way!


I sat there unmindful of the chilly night with this single minded anger. How long I don’t remember! And what happened later, well I don’t remember that too! I was totally into my anger.

That was the last thought that comes to my memory and apart from that nothing else


And now nothing else matters!




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