Tuesday, January 19, 2016

How even your feedback benefits you?

Why I want you to comment often?

This is one question that I’ve been asked few times till now. “Maam don’t you feel you too are insecure and desire for praises and hence keep asking us to ‘comment’ in the blog?”

“If you are detached why do you expect these things in return?”

These and similar phrases have amused me for quite sometime and all I can say is “the answer to such questions is both yes and no”.

Yes for wanting you to comment and no for the reasons you’ve attributed for the same.

Then why do I keep asking you to write in “comments” section?


I don’t want you to sing my praises there. But use this opportunity to a. share your insights with regards to ‘one liners’. That way benefit could be multi-folded. 1. It would help others to see one more perspective and help them to understand it in a better way 


2. It’ll help me to know how much I am able to reach you, whether what I wish to express is finding its’ takers or not. If so, how much they have understood? If not, where to correct/better my explanation. This will help and ease your journey towards understanding yourself and to better your clarity of thought with regards to an issue. Otherwise, I move on having written assuming it has reached you only to know few years down the line that it hasn’t. I don’t mind the explanation part. But, I wish if I had explained clearly earlier, may be you would have benefited more from it. That’s all!



B. I request you to share your experiences (if it’s personal just state something like “did emotional healing and found my relationship which had gone soar better). See you need not divulge the details and yet give an example of healing coming to aid to resolve your issue. Don’t take out names or don’t name relationships. In case of money too, don’t mention the amount. Just say received money due to me from my debtor having doing healing. See, simple. Why is it important? Because, it would encourage others in the path of healing to be on it to see the results. You can be someone’s ‘morning star/guiding star’ without even meeting that person and even without doing anything for that person. You can receive blessings coming your way by such a simple act. So think about it! Do share your experiences not only with me but also with other reiki channels through our ‘comments section’. Just share it and you can keep it short if you want.




NOTE : Those who can read Tamil (language) please go through "http://ganesasundaram.blogspot.in" where

 a. Shiva Sthalas address and name of the temple along with where it is is given. 

b.  Each nakshatra person need to chant a nakshatra shloka to heal his planetary positions as per vedic culture...the same is given in this blog......those interested can go through this blog  (non-tamils please don't ask me to translate or do anything of such sort....)

1 comment:

Vaibhav said...


Just a small piece of info...

Ppl who are very eager to know what was mentioned in


Please open the website in Chrome browser... & top right..in the URL Place.. you will an option to translate it into english...

I am searching for some other translators like

which will exactly translate more clearly...Will reply back here if I find anything else...

However Revathi Mam has already requested for English Conversion Gadget to that blogger hopefully it gets added... :)

I was smiling profusely & like anything after seeing Mam's comments there :)

Mam, Ur really Great!!! You care so much for all of us! :)
We are blessed to have a Guru like you :)

Hats Off To You & That Blogger....You all spend so much of your time & energies for the benefits of fellow human beings..... No amount of praise can ever match this!!!

May be we can just thank sincerely & Heartfully to express our gratitude....bas thats all..

Thanks Mam, Thanks a Billion!!!