Wednesday, January 20, 2016

How your feed back helps?



c. People seek explanations on what I write or had explained in class. Either way, it’s a good place to do it as others will also benefit out of your query. No one’s out there to judge you. On the contrary, they admire you for asking questions on their behalf, for letting them benefit because of your query et like. 

d. At least state that you received your answer to your questions by reading a certain post. Here, you need not even write your doubt or question and what answer you got – just mentioning that you received your answer through a post is good enough. Yes, I know most of you are thinking “we already tell/write to you in detail all these, then why post it separately in blog”. What you write to me is for you to clearly explain what you wanted and how and when you received it. it’s good and I feel good everytime each one of you gives that feed-back especially when it is immediate. 


Many write only when they’ve problems/issues and never revert back with results later – only to surface after few months with other problems. Everyone who writes to explain their growth, their way of addressing an issue and how they got out of an issue clearly throws light on one most important character required of every person i.e., not to forget one whom they sought help/advice from in times of need and also greater character of sharing ‘good news’ also with that person. 

 Sant Kabir - Saint Poet Kabir

 दुःख में सुमिरन सब करें 

सुख में करें ना कोई 

जो सुख में सुमिरन करें 
थो दुःख काहे को होए 

Dukh mein sumiran sab karein

Such mein karein na koi

Jo such mein sumiran karein tho

Dukh kaahe ko hoye!

Meaning : Everyone prays during difficult times but people forget God during good times. If people remember the Almighty even during good times then why would one have bad times?

This “Doha” (hindi couplet of Great Saint Poet Kabir) though clearly talks about our prayer habits and our relationship we have with our beloved God, it also throws light on the way we should maintain relationship with Source, Guru and even sadhan. Do follow these rules even in worldly relations. This is the secret to having good support system in life. Imagine someone who comes to you only when in need and during good times hardly calls you! Can you say “it’s o.k” for sure? Then how can you be angry with Source, Guru, reiki for being egotist when they are to be called and thanked even during good times? (That too said by scripture pundits and others!!!) Why this double standards?



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