Monday, December 28, 2020

On Guru


Me, My Guru on Guru, Shishya

She was in a hurry to leave but we still asked her a question “Can you tell us about Guru and Shishya? Can you explain what this relationship is all about?” 

And she replied packing her bags “Shishya is a ‘question mark’ whereas Guru is an exclamation mark. Shishya is all about how, why, when of question. Guru is the ‘wow’ in the answer!”

So saying, she opened her car and left.

And Rahul added behind her “Confusion, doubts, questions and lack of understanding is Shishya.

Clarity of thought, calmness, purity and answer is Guru”.

We clapped!

Sometimes, the answer to the most ‘sought out questions’ is very simple!


(Tomorrow being Datta Jayanthi, the Adi Guru this article salutes every Guru in that lineage.......)

for further know how on guru read earlier posts on Guru......

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Me, My Guru – on validity and existence of pain of a Master


Me, My Guru – on validity and existence of pain of a Master

“What bothers or pains you Guruji?”

“It is hard to obtain human birth, harder to live like a human being, harder still to understand the ‘Dharma’ and yet the entire life is exhausted in living in unrighteous way and chasing things which are ephemeral!” replied our Guruji looking into the distance.

This was the pain Jesus suffered when he saw people fall in character all around him. This was the pain Adi Shankaracharya experienced when he saw Vedic philosophy degrade to a level of superstitious rituals and wrong ways of living. This was the pain Buddha felt when he saw people suffering on the cause which didn’t exist. This was the pain of Swami Vivekananda which drove him to be workaholic creating ‘Ramakrishna Mutt’ and spreading the Vedic philosophy and its essence to the general public at large.

‘Being detached’ or being ‘sanyasi’ doesn’t mean go away from the world. But understand the difference between right form of work and chasing right kind of things of the world. There is suffering always – only one suffering is real and the other imaginary. The imaginary can be done away with developing clarity of thought and being in sadhan. To choose to work towards ‘other kind of pain’ – that of being unable to see fellow humans and creatures suffer is optional!"

We were silenced by her answer!



also read on account of Christmas : 

also read on account of Vaikunta Ekadasi :

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

on developing clarity of thought!


On developing clarity of thought! 

Read the link given and share your understanding of the same, how this would help in applying in your various aspects of life, how this understanding would enrich your all relationships...........

What is the purpose of that post and did it achieve that?

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

On motherhood!


On motherhood!

Some relationships, why I would go to an extent of saying every relationship is one hell of a package. It offers everything we need, we want and we desire in a way that both surprises us and confuses us. 

Let me explain it by means of 'motherhood' - 

It (It means 'the relationship') is calming and soothing to the soul. One look at the face of your child and you forget all pains of life. The same child drives you crazy like nobody even as a toddler. Yes, children drive crazy with all their crying, being adamant, being sissy, moody and what not! And yet it is beautiful!

They give you pain unbearable and yet source of your pride like nobody! Your heart swells with pride every time they behave right, achieve something, learn or do something and many times just to see them being happy with their friends or any one that mean special to them.....They break your heart a million times with their tantrums, lies, acts, behaviour and above all with words! And they melt your heart with a simple smile when they come home! It is beautiful!

They can make your life seem useless with their words and create heaven with a simple hand drawn is beautiful!

Motherhood gives you pain. It gives you pleasure! 

Motherhood gives you heartaches. It gives you balm to all your other pains of life. 

There is pride in it. There is respect in it. You learn to love and forgive.

You live beyond yourself and yet your world seems to revolve around your bundle of joy....

You cry and yet that tear is dear. You laugh and it seems heavy with weights of gratitude.....

It is a package. Whoever has painted it as romantic hasn't raised a child. You become everything that you detest and explore that beautiful part of you which you never knew existed within you.....

it is a package........enjoy it with all its goodies........expecting it to be only 'good' is both stupid and unrealistic.......only one who takes it all uses this experience, role and opportunity to heal his karma, his self and experience love in all its totality!

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Stories and all! Two men in the bus-stop



Stories and all! Two men in the bus-stop

Acceptance, patience, being flexible gratitude and thanks giving – these are the attitudes if developed will become our source of joy and strength in all walks of life!

Both the options are available to one and all!

Both set of attitudes can be preferred and developed by one and all!

Our choice and preference reflects our clarity of thought.

Our CHOICE decides whether we suffer through this journey of life or enjoy its ride.

Life – after all is all about its journey. It was never about reaching any goal. Life was never about possessing someone or something. It was never about owning someone or something. And every time we miss out on that understanding we make ‘fulfillment of our desire’ our goal and suffer through the process of working towards it or waiting for it!

Look within!


Know the difference. See where the difference lies and walk towards your heaven. It is within your reach. And ONLY YOU can work for it. Others can only say what to do and how to reach that. They can guide you on what not to do and show you when you go wrong. Others can say it exists! But no one can walk this path for you or with you!

So choose for your own good – every single time! 

Hard fact – This journey and heaven is only for the strong who want to make it on their own. The selfish, self pitying weak ones who are ever demanding that others fill their cups for them – they cannot even understand this – forget about walking this path.

But all you strong men and women, time to make this walk and reach our destination of joy, fulfillment, strength and peace. 


What did this post teach you?

What did you pick from this post?

Was it in any way useful?

What did it address?

Note : To the agitated mind and careless eye, many post would look repetitive.

But to the discerning and watchful eye, each post reflects one or some aspect of the Law of Nature, life, attitude, reasons for our suffering, cause of our pains, blockages that stop abundance coming in our life etc. If something seems repetitive, then it means you are seeing it with the same set of spectacles. Change colour of your spectacle and go through it to see your answers shouting loud to be embraced by you..........

Monday, November 30, 2020

Stories and all! Two men in the bus-stop


Stories and all! Two men in the bus-stop

Option available is the way we use our wait and what energies we generate through the wait! The pain and suffering as one can see clearly is not in ‘bus coming or not coming’, but it is in the way we look at it! It is in the way ‘we are’!

Option is available to each one of us! Only the one with ‘right clarity of thought’ chooses wisely.

Wrong reasoning drives us nuts and creates hell for us! Know the difference! See the difference!

One boy had to just go home and sleep and yet he was agitated. He didn’t validate the abundance that life offered him. He had eyes only for his ‘bus’ meaning the fulfillment of his ‘condition’. The birds, breeze, being alive and healthy – nothing mattered to him. He was pain unto himself. He suffered ‘himself’!

The other boy was a cancer patient and yet he was alive! He wasn’t cursing all who were healthy. He wasn't envious or jealous of people who didn’t have cancer. He wasn’t questioning the ‘life’ or ‘Universe’ and calling it names for being unjust and choosing to give him cancer. He didn’t use his ‘LOGIC’ to use others as punch bag. He wasn’t vomiting his ‘facts of his life which were undesirable to him’ onto others. He was facing the facts of life as one faces the changing seasons of the year. He was alive! He was so because he wasn’t CONDITIONING THE LIFE and the events of life as per his convenience.

Situations of life are not deciding what we suffer. Expectations, conditions, attachments to our desire, being stubborn, having twisted way of thinking and calling it logic – these are some of the attitudes that if held by one can cause suffering and pain to not only that person but to people around him too! 


Sunday, November 29, 2020

Stories and all! Two men in the bus-stop


Stories and all! Two men in the bus-stop

The first boy reached the hospital. His family was already waiting for him there. It was the day of chemotherapy for him. He walked towards the door of the hospital. It would be a long painful day for him. But he looked at his family and smiled. Yes, he would bear the pain of this treatment to be with this family! He entered the hospital with a smile.

So, you see in life, in our life we have both options and situations that we face.

Situation A was like ‘the wait’ at the bus-stop. Many are waiting in the ‘stop’ called ‘time’. The bus they are waiting for is ‘the fulfillment of their desire’. Sometimes, it is possible that the wait is long. Sometimes our ‘desires’ seems to get ‘deferred’ of fulfillment – as in bus that was full!

All wait! But the one who is ADAMANT that everything SHOULD work out his way would suffer the wait. He would suffer the most! Even during the wait that person would miss out on ‘moments worth living’ saying ‘but I don’t want this now, I want THAT now!’ This happens because we ‘condition’ our desire. We ‘expect’ it to go in certain pace and the way we want. We long to jump ahead of time and reach our desire.

But the one who is calm and collected waits! He enjoys the wait. He takes in every moment in this journey of life. He lives life! He is not defining life by only achievements and events. He sees events as just one more station of life – not the goal by itself. He doesn’t hurry. And so he lives life! 


# life and its challenges, facts of life, pain and suffering, believe and it will happen to you, happiness, trust, everything happens for a reason, situations don't make or break you, there is good in every situation, 

also read suggested : 

What are the questions that are addressed in this story?

What are the issues that need to be addressed that have been explained here?

What are the lessons you learnt here?

How are you going to apply them in your situations?

How did you benefit?

(Same questions apply to the entire post.....till the end)

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Stories and all! Two men in the bus-stop



Stories and all! Two men in the bus-stop

There was another man in the same bus-stop. He didn’t sit. He was restless. He kept looking down the lane for the bus. He didn’t feel the breeze. He didn’t hear birds chirp. He didn’t notice the greenery all around him.

He would hardly sit for a second, get restless, get up walk down the lane, look for the bus, curse it and his fate and become restless. He looked at his watch 10 times a minute. He would get that much restless.

When the first bus came by, he tried to get in. he saw it was crowded and yet he tried. He failed and got hurt a little too! He was restless, fidgety till the next bus came. Even that was crowded. But his urgency was driving him crazy. He wanted to catch this bus at any cost. And yet he couldn’t get in. he felt dejected. He felt his heart bleed. He was frustrated with life. He was angry at people who were in the bus. He was jealous of them! They seemed to have something that he so wanted! He saw the injustice in the whole picture.

When the third bus came he ran towards it to get in. it was empty. But in the hurry he hurt himself and got a cut that bled. He cursed his time, fate and life! He suffered the ride.

He came home, crashed on the bed and went to sleep cursing. If only he had come early he could’ve slept longer! Life wasn’t fair to him. It didn’t go as per plan – his plan! 


Tip to go through this post : Take out previous post where I have deciphered every word/sentence in a post and made the explanation. Do the same with this post and understand this whole post. 

Share if you care........

Friday, November 27, 2020

Stories and all! Two men in the bus-stop


Stories and all! Two men in the bus-stop

It was a simple bus stop. Just with a metal seat and an overhead shade painted blue. There were few ads printed on the shade too! This was in one city of this world. It could b a story of any city and its one bus-stop.

The day was sunny and the cool breeze supported it. One man was sitting on the seat waiting for the bus. He was calm. There was a gentle smile on his lips. He looked relaxed.

Every time breeze touched his face he would close his eyes to feel it. He enjoyed the breeze as if that was the reason he was sitting there! He looked at the greenery all around him and drank their beauty with his eyes. He looked at the birds flying and followed their flight with his eyes. Not once did he look at the watch. Not once did he look down the road to see if the bus was coming.

One would think he had come to this bus stop to while away his time. It could also be that he was lonely and came out for a walk. Everything seemed plausible except that he was waiting for a bus!  It looked like he was in no hurry to catch a bus. 

One bus came along. It was full. He didn’t even get up from his seat and went about his business of looking around. Some time passed. Next bus came. Even this was full! He looked at his watch. He didn’t get up. He let the bus go by. He waited calmly.  After sometime, the third bus came. It was empty. He got slowly, got into it and sat in the seat. He enjoyed the ride. 


Thursday, November 26, 2020

Everything happens for a reason!


Everything happens for a reason!

“God doesn’t play dice with the Universe” – That was Einstein the greatest minds of 20th century who said it. If the greatest Scientist of our age says so, it must be good!

Jokes apart – even if you are a non-believer in God, still nothing happens without a reason is Law good enough to be believed! If that be true and believed, then our pain, our struggles, our fights, our failures – everything must be having a reason. They can’t be for nothing! Isn’t that a reason enough to be giving a better fight every single morning of our life? When life throws us down, are we getting up with a smile? Are we learning from life or are we just moving from one suffering to the other? Once our prayer is answered, second time it happens and again and again, then is our trust build on that? When once we are denied fulfillment of our desire and later day we realized how good it was that our desire was not fulfilled? This happened say ‘n’ number of times. Are we learning or seeing the Law of Universe in work which states “Only that which is good for you will be given to you at the appropriate time and things that are bad for you are denied their fulfillment with your good in mind”?

If we are learning from our every yesterday then we should be more cheerful, less conditioning of life, more relaxed, more trusting in the good of life….and thereby seeing abundance flow in all walks of our life……..

If we say we are learning but only in paper but not in heart, then our nature has only become bitter over the years. Our trust is condition based. We still say ‘I trust so He must be fulfilling our desire’. We trust people less and less. We don’t see the good in store for us not the abundance that flows all around us.

Think about it!

Meditate and find our which one are you!? 

also read suggested :

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Change the perspective lady!


Change the perspective lady! 

Sometimes we will fall sick and on other days we are healthy.

Some days we receive people in life and on some days we lose some!

Healing cannot and won’t make a change in ‘change of seasons’!

But it will help us change our perspective for better! Because, it is the perception that decides whether we suffer or enjoy the ‘change of season’ every time!

And that is all we need in our life every time we suffer or are in pain!

So why not put reasoning to good use and change our perspective for better? 

All this time, we have justified our emotions and validated our suffering and pain with reasoning. Today, let's put reasoning and logic to good use - to benefit us. Let us learn to use reasoning the right way. Instead of standing by our desires and our emotions, let's question our desires and emotions. Let's work towards desires if need be, but with the change in our way of working towards their fulfillment. Let’s make this small beginning. Let’s make this small change. 

Let’s see where it leads us. 

Just let’s do it! 


# change the perspective lady story, perspective, perception, attitude and its effect, good and bad, seasons of life, life and its aspects, celebration of life, reasons to celebrate in life, complaining about life, grateful for life .... 

also read suggested : 

Have your ever changed your perspective and found difference it brought about in your life? 

Would there be any change in the state of mind because of change in the perspective?

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Change the perspective lady!



Change the perspective lady! 

It still rained on ‘some days’. It was sunny on other days. Days being rainy and sunny were still the same. But she and her life had changed for better. Only thing that changed was ‘the perspective’. And that was enough to make abundance come into her life!

You see in life – our life – we’ll always have some sunny days and some rainy days. We can’t control them. We can’t change that! 

But we can change the way we look at ‘sunny days’ and ‘rains’. And that many times is enough to bring about sea-change in our life and ourselves.

Some days will be good.

Some days will be challenging.

Some days are exciting. And some days are simply boring, dull and not happening.

But instead of seeking all days to be ‘good and happening’ if we only asked ‘How do I make best use of today?’ maybe our days would be more productive and less painful! Think about it! 

Some people will be loving and helpful.

Some people will be mean and hurtful.

Some places we make money and at some other place we lose money!

Let’s be thankful for both!

Can’t we be thankful for both? 


# change the perspective lady story, perspective, perception, attitude and its effect, good and bad, seasons of life, life and its aspects, celebration of life, reasons to celebrate in life, complaining about life, grateful for life ....

read the above link to understand the difference in words said and the what they meant.......apply it in your life. The day difference between intent and expression is zero or in other words, the day your words mean, actually mean what you intent your life will become a blessing. You will be a blessing unto yourself when you  manifest your desires with your single intent. Why live like beggars seeking favours from others when you are capable of creating and writing your destiny at the drop of a hat every single day of your life? 

Think about it! 

Is it because you didn't know this possibility or

Is it because you love to live a life of a beggar begging someone else to fulfill your desires?

Do you think it is easy to live a life of a maggots crawling and being crushed by one and all? 

What fear holds you back from experiencing your full worth?

What laziness holds you back?

Question your intent, question your fears, question your choices and then seek help from Reiki or God...


Monday, November 2, 2020

Change the perspective lady!


Change the perspective lady! 

Whenever it was sunny, she would cry thinking “oh my poor child! How will husband of my eldest daughter sell umbrellas enough now, since people would not buy umbrellas when it is not raining?” Thinking of her eldest daughter’s problems and lack of abundance, she would worry and cry the whole day!

When it rained, she would think “Oh, my poor second daughter! How will her husband go fishing now that it is raining? How will my daughter wade through these tough times?”

This way both on sunny and rainy days she would cry one way or the other. She came to be called the ‘Cry Lady’. She was mocked by her villagers. She felt insulted. She was hurt. She thought no one understood her. She lived a lonely life! 

A monk came to this village called ‘Reason’. He saw her crying every single day! He felt bad for her. He asked her the reason for her pain and suffering. She gave her ‘valid reasons’ for crying. The monk saw her pain. He saw ‘the cause of her pain’ too! He knew the solution to her problem too!

He smiled and said “Dear lady, do not cry! From now on, you need cry no more. I’ve a technique that’ll help you to be happy and loved. You’ll find release from your suffering. You’ll have friends in your life. You’ll forget what it is to be lonely and sad!” 

The old woman – mayya became interested on hearing his words. She sought his advice and pleaded him to teach ‘the technique’ to her. In reply monk gave her this technique “on sunny days, think of your younger daughter. Thank Sun-God for being ‘sunny’. These are the days her husband will go out into deep seas and catch lots of fish. The more fish he catches the more he will sell and more he sells more he makes money. Think of all the abundance in her life that ‘Sunny days’ would bring!

And on rainy days, thank ‘Rain God’ for it is because of Him that it is raining. And then think of how it is good for your elder daughter. Think of all the umbrellas your eldest son-in-law would be able to sell and make money! Think of all the abundance that could and would come into their lives. Be happy for your eldest daughter!” So saying, he left. 

Mayya found this technique easy to follow. She did not use her reasoning to find flaws in the technique. She did not use her logic to 'understand' how the technique works or what benefits she would receive. She believed the monk and his words! She followed his advice to the T. and in very short time; she was found smiling and laughing the whole day! There was ‘thanks’ on her lips most part of the day! Very soon, she came to be called ‘smiling lady’. People found her expression pleasant. They found her smile soothing and warm. She had friends everywhere she went! She no longer was sad, she no longer knew pain. She no longer suffered! 


# change the perspective lady story, perspective, perception, attitude and its effect, good and bad, seasons of life, life and its aspects, celebration of life, reasons to celebrate in life, complaining about life, grateful for life .... 

also read suggested : 

Pointers in this post : 

"This way both on sunny and rainy days she would cry one way or the other. She came to be called the ‘Cry Lady’. She was mocked by her villagers. She felt insulted. She was hurt. She thought no one understood her. She lived a lonely life! " - Look at this para and the one previous to this. Aren't we like this most of the time? Isn't our complaints so similar to 'mayya'? First we ask for a wish and cry till it is not fulfilled. And then complain saying if God/Reiki knew that I would be unhappy with this desire being fulfilled, why did it fulfill my wish in the first place? Either way, we ONLY COMPLAIN. Either way, we are sad, irritated, angry, demanding and seeking explanations from God/Reiki/Guru. Think about it! 

"She did not use her reasoning to find flaws in the technique. She did not use her logic to 'understand' how the technique works or what benefits she would receive. She believed the monk and his words! " - Technique is not to get results that we seek. They can also just be something to change our perspective, attitude and cleanse us of our negativities like anger, lust, demanding nature, ingratitude, selfishness and greed etc. When a person is looking at the 'end result' then there is no change in his attitude and character and then he blames the technique. Then the right technique also doesn't give the right results. And the blame is on the technique. Remember, a drunken and angry driver meets with an accident in the best of vehicles too. Vehicle is not at fault. Remember, the technique is to sober you from a 'person who is drunk with anger, lust, adamant and selfish nature'. The sooner the person realises that the sooner is his healing.

Look at the last para. When her attitude changed, she found all her complaints gone. SHE was the cause of pain in her life. Not the people of her village! She was the cause of her suffering - not the seasons of nature. 

How do you think this post would help you in any way to better your perspective and frame of mind?

Why do you think the village is called 'Reason'? What does it represent and why?