Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Stories and all! Two men in the bus-stop



Stories and all! Two men in the bus-stop

Acceptance, patience, being flexible gratitude and thanks giving – these are the attitudes if developed will become our source of joy and strength in all walks of life!

Both the options are available to one and all!

Both set of attitudes can be preferred and developed by one and all!

Our choice and preference reflects our clarity of thought.

Our CHOICE decides whether we suffer through this journey of life or enjoy its ride.

Life – after all is all about its journey. It was never about reaching any goal. Life was never about possessing someone or something. It was never about owning someone or something. And every time we miss out on that understanding we make ‘fulfillment of our desire’ our goal and suffer through the process of working towards it or waiting for it!

Look within!


Know the difference. See where the difference lies and walk towards your heaven. It is within your reach. And ONLY YOU can work for it. Others can only say what to do and how to reach that. They can guide you on what not to do and show you when you go wrong. Others can say it exists! But no one can walk this path for you or with you!

So choose for your own good – every single time! 

Hard fact – This journey and heaven is only for the strong who want to make it on their own. The selfish, self pitying weak ones who are ever demanding that others fill their cups for them – they cannot even understand this – forget about walking this path.

But all you strong men and women, time to make this walk and reach our destination of joy, fulfillment, strength and peace. 


What did this post teach you?

What did you pick from this post?

Was it in any way useful?

What did it address?

Note : To the agitated mind and careless eye, many post would look repetitive.

But to the discerning and watchful eye, each post reflects one or some aspect of the Law of Nature, life, attitude, reasons for our suffering, cause of our pains, blockages that stop abundance coming in our life etc. If something seems repetitive, then it means you are seeing it with the same set of spectacles. Change colour of your spectacle and go through it to see your answers shouting loud to be embraced by you..........

1 comment:

V Sridhar said...

Lovely story... The onus to respond to life's evolving scenario is on us!! When we accept the situation as it is & and as it unfolds, however difficult or challenging it maybe, we are alive to its beauty & truth and this helps us respond accordingly... then every moment contributes to our "aliveness" and growth...
With love & gratitude