Tuesday, December 8, 2020

On motherhood!


On motherhood!

Some relationships, why I would go to an extent of saying every relationship is one hell of a package. It offers everything we need, we want and we desire in a way that both surprises us and confuses us. 

Let me explain it by means of 'motherhood' - 

It (It means 'the relationship') is calming and soothing to the soul. One look at the face of your child and you forget all pains of life. The same child drives you crazy like nobody even as a toddler. Yes, children drive crazy with all their crying, being adamant, being sissy, moody and what not! And yet it is beautiful!

They give you pain unbearable and yet source of your pride like nobody! Your heart swells with pride every time they behave right, achieve something, learn or do something and many times just to see them being happy with their friends or any one that mean special to them.....They break your heart a million times with their tantrums, lies, acts, behaviour and above all with words! And they melt your heart with a simple smile when they come home! It is beautiful!

They can make your life seem useless with their words and create heaven with a simple hand drawn card........it is beautiful!

Motherhood gives you pain. It gives you pleasure! 

Motherhood gives you heartaches. It gives you balm to all your other pains of life. 

There is pride in it. There is respect in it. You learn to love and forgive.

You live beyond yourself and yet your world seems to revolve around your bundle of joy....

You cry and yet that tear is dear. You laugh and it seems heavy with weights of gratitude.....

It is a package. Whoever has painted it as romantic hasn't raised a child. You become everything that you detest and explore that beautiful part of you which you never knew existed within you.....

it is a package........enjoy it with all its goodies........expecting it to be only 'good' is both stupid and unrealistic.......only one who takes it all uses this experience, role and opportunity to heal his karma, his self and experience love in all its totality!


Aarthi said...

So true,Thank u mamm.( at times im very rude with Viaan,i feel it..and explain my self to clam down and explain him,he is just 6 yrs kids,and expecting him to do myway is wrong) opikagaa chepalee anipistundiii,but makes me go crazy at times.
Yes most of times he is balm to my pains mamm.( chala baga cheparu,i will try mamm to learn& experience love& heal).

Thank you mam for forgive us so many times,still accepting us.

Supriya said...

Very well said. All aspect covered with regards to motherhood.

Yes, each relationship is a package deal. We grow up believing relationships are suppose to bind us, but in reality their main purpose is to help us learn and liberate. Liberate from fear, from expectations, from conditions, from resentment, from anger, and most importantly from ego among other things. Even while looking for a spouse we look for someone who has a certain belief system and who accepts us for our beliefs.

Kids are amazing. They give us both pain and pleasure. They love us unconditionally yet challenge us in many areas. We learn from our children what we fail to learn from other relationships. We grow up thinking of a certain way of parenting is the ideal way to have a kid that behaves in a certain way. It’s when we experience parenthood that we realize how much we need to work on ourselves. It gives us the opportunity to live through each and every emotion that we can think of. Also, with our kids we find it hard to keep our ego intact and yet unconditionally love them. We ultimately have to give up on one thing, which in most cases is the ego.

Why do we not learn from other relationships as much as we do as a parent? I think it’s because many a times we give up unconditional love/acceptance instead of giving up ego. The journey of relationships where many of our beliefs are put to test, gives us the opportunity to grow out of our limiting beliefs and perceptions. When I think of it, I feel relationships are like mirrors that reflect our emotional image and if we are open enough then it helps us correct our flaws.

So yes, every relationship is a package and is designed to help us overcome our limitations.
