Wednesday, December 9, 2020

on developing clarity of thought!


On developing clarity of thought! 

Read the link given and share your understanding of the same, how this would help in applying in your various aspects of life, how this understanding would enrich your all relationships...........

What is the purpose of that post and did it achieve that?


Supriya said...

I think the post was about the experience and healing a relationship can bring. It was beautifully demonstrated with the example of motherhood. But (if I am not wrong) you also indicated that this can be applied to each and every relationship - parent, sibling, relatives, friends, coworkers, boss, neighbors, etc.

I believe that when one considers all the goods and not so good experiences of their relationships with others and how they have grown during that experience, they will see the positive impact the relationship has made on them.

From what I understand from the post and from life is that if I am still not able to see the good the relationship has brought for me, then I haven’t looked at it with an open mind. If I am in denial or holding back, then I need to heal myself further to be able to see it.

Once I see it, I will develop the ability to forgive and love unconditionally.

I need to process this post further to get a better understanding.


Sainath said...

In my opinion it means that every relationship brings some experience that we need to survive and to live life as it is meant to be.

Also it reminds me of the phrase 'a necessary evil' and the symbol 'yin and yang': a will to survive and bondage (sometimes heart-break) comes with it.