Monday, November 30, 2020

Stories and all! Two men in the bus-stop


Stories and all! Two men in the bus-stop

Option available is the way we use our wait and what energies we generate through the wait! The pain and suffering as one can see clearly is not in ‘bus coming or not coming’, but it is in the way we look at it! It is in the way ‘we are’!

Option is available to each one of us! Only the one with ‘right clarity of thought’ chooses wisely.

Wrong reasoning drives us nuts and creates hell for us! Know the difference! See the difference!

One boy had to just go home and sleep and yet he was agitated. He didn’t validate the abundance that life offered him. He had eyes only for his ‘bus’ meaning the fulfillment of his ‘condition’. The birds, breeze, being alive and healthy – nothing mattered to him. He was pain unto himself. He suffered ‘himself’!

The other boy was a cancer patient and yet he was alive! He wasn’t cursing all who were healthy. He wasn't envious or jealous of people who didn’t have cancer. He wasn’t questioning the ‘life’ or ‘Universe’ and calling it names for being unjust and choosing to give him cancer. He didn’t use his ‘LOGIC’ to use others as punch bag. He wasn’t vomiting his ‘facts of his life which were undesirable to him’ onto others. He was facing the facts of life as one faces the changing seasons of the year. He was alive! He was so because he wasn’t CONDITIONING THE LIFE and the events of life as per his convenience.

Situations of life are not deciding what we suffer. Expectations, conditions, attachments to our desire, being stubborn, having twisted way of thinking and calling it logic – these are some of the attitudes that if held by one can cause suffering and pain to not only that person but to people around him too! 


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