Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Change the perspective lady!



Change the perspective lady! 

It still rained on ‘some days’. It was sunny on other days. Days being rainy and sunny were still the same. But she and her life had changed for better. Only thing that changed was ‘the perspective’. And that was enough to make abundance come into her life!

You see in life – our life – we’ll always have some sunny days and some rainy days. We can’t control them. We can’t change that! 

But we can change the way we look at ‘sunny days’ and ‘rains’. And that many times is enough to bring about sea-change in our life and ourselves.

Some days will be good.

Some days will be challenging.

Some days are exciting. And some days are simply boring, dull and not happening.

But instead of seeking all days to be ‘good and happening’ if we only asked ‘How do I make best use of today?’ maybe our days would be more productive and less painful! Think about it! 

Some people will be loving and helpful.

Some people will be mean and hurtful.

Some places we make money and at some other place we lose money!

Let’s be thankful for both!

Can’t we be thankful for both? 


# change the perspective lady story, perspective, perception, attitude and its effect, good and bad, seasons of life, life and its aspects, celebration of life, reasons to celebrate in life, complaining about life, grateful for life ....

read the above link to understand the difference in words said and the what they meant.......apply it in your life. The day difference between intent and expression is zero or in other words, the day your words mean, actually mean what you intent your life will become a blessing. You will be a blessing unto yourself when you  manifest your desires with your single intent. Why live like beggars seeking favours from others when you are capable of creating and writing your destiny at the drop of a hat every single day of your life? 

Think about it! 

Is it because you didn't know this possibility or

Is it because you love to live a life of a beggar begging someone else to fulfill your desires?

Do you think it is easy to live a life of a maggots crawling and being crushed by one and all? 

What fear holds you back from experiencing your full worth?

What laziness holds you back?

Question your intent, question your fears, question your choices and then seek help from Reiki or God...


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