Monday, November 2, 2020

Change the perspective lady!


Change the perspective lady!

When our expectations are not met we get angry!

At that time we justify our emotions and we identify with our expectations. But if we look at others situations and understand that – many times instead of anger, we could’ve generated love and respect for the same person! It’s all about perspective. Their actions don’t generate our emotions. Our perspective does it all. So, if there is lack of love in our life that is not because of people in our life! It is basically because of how we see and look at people in our life!

Change the perspective and let love flow in and through you!

Change the perspective lady! 

There once was an old woman name ‘mayya’ in a certain village named ‘Reason’. She was always sad and crying her heart out – day in and day out! She had two daughters whom she loved dearly. They both were married and lived in nearby villages. One was married to ‘an umbrella seller and the other to ‘a fisherman’.

Whenever it was sunny, she would cry thinking “oh my poor child! How will husband of my eldest daughter sell umbrellas enough now, since people would not buy umbrellas when it is not raining?” Thinking of her eldest daughter’s problems and lack of abundance, she would worry and cry the whole day!  

When it rained, she would think “Oh, my poor second daughter! How will her husband go fishing now that it is raining? How will my daughter wade through these tough times?”


# change the perspective lady story, perspective, perception, attitude and its effect, good and bad, seasons of life, life and its aspects, celebration of life, reasons to celebrate in life, complaining about life, grateful for life .... 

also read suggested : 

read the link to understand the following points : 

What is the definition of good and bad?
Are we really good or in relation to someone else only? 
We presume we are good, but are we actually good - think about it...
When we change for good our world changes for better. Does that not mean the 'bad' that we encountered, saw and hated was actually within us all this time? think about it!

Pointers in this story : 

"When our expectations are not met we get angry!" - This is the premise for this story......many times we have held discussions on expectations and anger and yet it remains a subject worth discovering and understanding. We may understand the words many times yet when it comes to applying, that's when our logic buts in to negate all our understanding and say " yeah, true, but...." and lo! down the drain goes all our hard earned understanding. 

Understanding is no understanding if it is not applied, ingested into our persona and it reflects in our way of thinking and living it out! 

"There once was an old woman name ‘mayya’ in a certain village named ‘Reason’. " - Look at two major characters here that are distractions and culprits that distract us from our understanding and our desire to be balanced in and through all stations of life. 

One is 'mayya' loosely translated means 'mother'. The central character is called mayya and is also a mother. We usually identify ourselves with our roles in our life. We become the roles we play and start arguing from that identification. That way our 'logic' says we can hurt the other person or make him lose his argument in our favour - whichever the need may be! 

How many times you must have said "but maam, as a mother is she not supposed to...etc, etc"

"but maam, as a mother how can I not worry about my child..."

"but maam, is it not my duty to see my child get married etc, etc..."

replace 'mother' with any other role of a parent, young man, spouse, sibling, relative, elder person, friends and why even God...we justify their duties and also our sufferings based on these relationships or roles that we play. 

The logic may seem right, but it is basically stupidity and flawed and hence doesn't hold good in the region of 'Truth'. 

"Reason" - We think we are arguing on the basis of reason but it happens otherwise - always. We argue from the basis of our assumptions, definitions of relationships and expectations. Hence our suffering is baseless and useless. And we get angry that no one is taking us out of our misery! How sorry is our state!?

Where did you apply this understanding of today?

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