Friday, March 13, 2009


God's role in the life of people who believe Him

Not long long ago or once upon a time, but in the very recent past lived Chirkut Ram who was such a soft hearted person that he could not see anyone struggle in their life, leave alone suffer.

One day during his evening walk, Chirkut ram saw a beautiful butterfly trying to come out of its cocoon. He couldn’t take its suffering. So, he helped the butterfly by breaking open its cocoon and the butterfly very effortlessly flew out of its cocoon. But to his surprise, he saw that one of its wings was absolutely undeveloped, and hence it couldn’t fly at all. It ended up limping its way all through its life.

Chirkut ram was saddened to look at it and asked the butterfly for the reason of its undeveloped wing. The butterfly smiled very painfully and replied “all because of your help. When we come out of our cocoons, the nature sees to it that we struggle our way through the cocoon. In this process our wings gather strength and beautiful when we come out of the cocoon. You out of pity removed the struggle from my act of coming out of the cocoon, in the process I lost the opportunity to strengthen my wings. Struggle is the causative factor of internal strength.


This is how GOD benefits us by creating opportunities that we label as struggles in life. Because we label them as struggles or problems, we suffer. When we see them as PUZZLES we end up solving them happily and also come out as successful human beings.

“I asked him to teach me to love unconditionally and he surrounded me with people who were selfish and ungrateful”.

“I asked him to make me strong and he gave me challenging situations in life”.

“I asked him for peace of mind and he gave insight”.

“I asked him for patience and he gave me students who invariably misunderstand and mess up everything that I tell them”.

“Whenever you go seeking answers to GOD you end up getting these stories”.

So you see he has always answered our prayers in the best possible way.

Wishing for nothing this time, I sign off,



mohan said...

“I asked him to teach me to love unconditionally and he surrounded me with people who were selfish and ungrateful”.
“I asked him to make me strong,he gave me challenging situations.
“I asked him for peace of mind and he gave insight”.
“I asked him for patience and he gave me students who invariably misunderstand and mess up everything that I tell them”.

When GOD gives in this way many people get upset because they misunderstand HIM. What they wanted is entirely different from what he has given and they curse their FATE, KARMA.
GOD has given you what you have asked...but in a different way.The sooner u realize that its better for you...or else you will suffer throughout your life...

mohan said...

GOD gives you whatever you want but in a different way.
So....please don't get angry on your spouses. They are GOD'S gift to you to teach you about love..hate...and most importantly PATIENCE....learn from them

padmaja said...

God allows us to experience da low points of life in order to teach us lessons.we could not learn in any other ways.the way we learn those lessons is not only the feelings but to find the meanings underlying them.

padmaja said...

One hour ago we our batch has compleated emotional healing.i am sending energies to the ball near reavathy mam.da energies r going with an high vibratation nd as i am sending i felt loosing my weight and i getting lighter.suddenly al da place has become as dazziling sun.with yellow light and i saw an image walking towards me as in da form of smoke i just experinced it as da god walked to the feeling has no words to explain.i was totally drowned into da beautiful feeling.i thank reiki for giving such an experience.

Unknown said...

Life mirrors our every thought as we keep our thoughts positive,life brings to me only good experiences.

Mona said...

I'm such a Chirkut! He he..
Thank you for sharing this.

Aarthi said...

Pls ifanyone missed,do read blog on 13 march 2009,GOD ROLE.....and beautiful msg of chirkut RAM.

many times and still i play this role for my kid..believing tat im helping him or want him to b safe side.
While cycling,or just few days when he was trying to learn...(2) when he carry his heavy bag,to auto or tuition. DO THIS,do tat,wear this,.....u should b like this....many times back ofhim.UR CHIRKUT RAM helped me to realise,im helping ? He himself must learn little things.,..tyd he fill his waterbottel,get ready for school....before eating he say gratitude keeping in repeating on TV OR PHONES while eating,lets together have one meal A day,he does it.

He started asking questions abt u madam( really surprised )
How does madam knows everything maa,i don't know wat my friend does in class,v sit in same bench still i don't know abt him, UR GURU IS so far and everything....yes Madam SADHANA& MEDITATION SOME Years unchii chestraa,its possible ...very spontaneous ya he sung ( WAT AMAA WAT THIS AMMA).LOVED TAT MOMENT & HIM.