Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Gratitude is not just counting your blessings and then following the mundane routine of the life with all its limitations and pain.

Gratitude is just not a word. It’s not a “feel good pop-up pill”.

Gratitude is a door-way that opens up a passage that leads one to limitless horizons of possibilities in life. It connects you to the chord of Bliss that would take you to the state of self-awareness.
It is the simplest technique that opens up your self to the abundance that’s all around you and within you.
Savor every incident / moment with gratitude (honestly and in toto!). It can be an act of just watching sunrise or sunset. Don’t Analyse. Don’t try to verbalise any feeling. Don’t even compare it with anything. Don’t do anything.


Feel the flood of bliss / joy that engulfs you all through the day. Flow with it. Walk through the day your normal way. At night, take stock of your day. How different was it from others? If just few seconds of “Beingness” can make so much difference in your day, imagine that state spilling over your every activity of your day!

This ‘Beingness’ or presence is all that I wish you all to experience and towards that end is the journey that we would make from now onwards. And the first step in this path starts with Gratitude!

Gratitude would then be understood as said by William Blake
“To see a world in a grain of sand,
and a heaven in a wild flower,
hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
and eternity in an hour.”

as you go in search of a grain of sand...

i go into eternity. till we meet again i remain ever so


padmaja said...

Reiki hv given da vast awareness on gratitude.the secret of gud life is to have da rite loyalties nd hold then in right scale of is al da magic of gratitude paly in us.

vijayalakshmi said...

Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others

Kshitija said...

Thank you reiki for saving my life
A few days back I was doing Work and my housecoat caught fire and I was looking at it in a shocked state.
Suddenly I felt some one screamed my child’s name they were yelling . Then I remembered my child and put it off with my hand .
It was a great miracle for me because
1. The house coat was made of synthetic fiber.
2. After putting off the fire I searched out but there was no one shouting. When I asked people they said they have seen or heard none.
3. Reiki saved my live . I have reiki for me.
My realisation
1. I felt grateful to reiki and sent reiki in the form of gratitude to reiki.
2. I felt my life is gift of reiki.
3. Reiki and Reiki’s love are always with us anywhere and everywhere.
4. We don’t know in which way and form reiki is working for us and saving us.