Monday, March 30, 2009

Good! But what about today?

Preventive Measures is the answer!

I have received couple of calls and mails asking “This Maintenance Free State is for our tomorrows. Because all these measures that we take from today will reflect in our present and every tomorrow that comes. But what about Karma that’s already done and all which is going to be reflected as an event in our present moment of Life (and I am sure the question reflects only ‘bad’ event!) today.

Well, every single karma (and always remember karma includes every thought, word, feel and action of ours) represents a seed that grows on to produce fruits at the appointed time. The past acts that have produced fruits – good and bad can only be lived through with grace and an understanding that I am just reaping what I’ve sown and to make my garden of Life-weed free, I need to do “Preventive Maintenance.”

Now, what is this Preventive Maintenance. Every one who owns a vehicle gives it for a periodic Maintenance – say quarterly for good mileage and for better performance. This is called as Preventive Maintenance. Preventive Maintenance of the vehicle also includes :
a) Petrol being checked regularly and filled at the appropriate time
b) Air pressure checked and maintained for the tyres
c) Spare tyre is kept every maintained especially on a long drive.

Inspite of all this Preventive Maintenance we know – we can meet with an accident and we need to exchange the vehicle after few years say 20-25 years later with the new one.

Now, what are the Preventive Maintenance that we can do to avoid accidents and delays in our day to day life – spiritually speaking! Write them out in the blog, I’ll join you later tomorrow then,



pallavi said...

Dear all,
Isn’t it a wonderful thing to compare ourselves with a motor and feel the importance of the maintenance?
I think the “petrol fill up” mentioned here tells us about the regular saadhan we need to do,
Air pressure correlates to the “letgo” and “rebirth” meditations which gives us the emotional balance.
Spare tyre is to keep reading this wonderful blogs to energize our self every day.
And above all visit the service station (your Reiki master)to maintain ,by upgrading your learnings and also to get motivated.
Life’s journey attuned with reiki is simply marvelous………..Thank you reiki and thank you mam
Wish u all a pleasant and great journey ahead

vijayalakshmi said...

preventive is better than cure .
it is true in many aspects. in spiritually speaking we have to think positively & we pray to god, in reki we will put the shield to avoid the accidents and draw the symbols snding reki to not to delay in our day to day life,and ask other reki channels to snd reki trust is most important

mohan said...

As a Preventive Maintenance for our body Yoga/excercise is required and as for preventing accidents i think we can put a protective shield around us.