Saturday, March 28, 2009

Inexpensive is Cheap!

If it’s costlier, it’s best!

Every person is nothing but a combination of “set of beliefs”. Not necessarily the right ones! But since our “set of beliefs” constitute our habit which in turn build our character – character is the seat of our fate, is it not better we set right our “set of beliefs” that are the basis of our fate? Please don’t just read this out and push it aside. Take a paper at the end of today’s write-up and jot down all the “beliefs” that constitute you. You need to know which “belief system” is the driving force in your life.

Let me give you a helping hand. One common belief is that anything less costly or inexpensive has got to be of cheap quality. Be it for an item, place, cost of your vacation, gift, food, clothing, jewellery – why even Doctor is considered not so good if he or she charges less? The more the fees the famous and good Doctor he/she is considered. More expensive the treatment, the better it is! So on and so forth.

The Pomegranates

There was once a man who had many pomegranate trees in his orchard. And for many years he would place pomegranates in the silver tray and place it outside his dwelling. He would place a sign on it “Pomegranates for free! Take as much as you want!”

People passed by but never took even a single pomegranate.

He was truly hurt. And one autumn he placed the pomegranates with the sign “Best pomegranates in the land! Costlier than any other pomegranate in the land! Only silver accepted as it’s cost!”

And the next morn, all the men and the women of the neighbourhood came rushing by to buy it!

So, next time you make a statement just be aware! Am I changing the course of events? Am I making the pomegranates costlier when I could have them for free?

We have already ended up buying water, air, land, grave and what not? Are we to go on this buying spree but still further on this path or shall we retrace our steps to make this place a better place for ourselves to life and enjoy?

Experiences are coming free of cost. It’s time we share it with others so that they don’t start carrying a price tag on them. Our growth, our journey from where we started when we came to Reiki and where we are can also be shared. It’s precious yet comes free! Transformation that’s happened within and without is also very special though uncharged! Only sharing it can retain its cost as “free”. Please share because as we share, we grow, we are peaceful, healing is at work, we are connected and so much more!!!! And all for FREE. So high time we start sharing our journey details!



Kshitija said...

I have started writing my belief systems and lo I found the list to be very big

Kshitija said...

I go through this post again and again . I have told that I have started making a list of my belief systems . Everyday I keep adding to the list what ever I remember . This list helps me to know the unnecessary garbage that I have accumulated in me