Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Real Growth is in Letting Go!


Three days back, my neighbour’s son left his mortal body to resume his journey elsewhere. My neighbour who is 75 years old faced the situation with such calmness and equanimity that I learnt a couple of lessons from him. For an onlooker he may have looked insensitive and uncaring, but I saw emotional balance and trust in Lord personified through him. Anybody can appear or act calm in good times, but it is in such times that the person’s real character is put to test. Most of us quote scriptures in good times.

We all can talk philosophy when we give advice to others. But when time comes to live that philosophy we usually break down. We get carried in our ego game. Under ideal conditions anybody can do extraordinary things. But in the ordinary moments of life the extra ordinary character of the person is seen, caught and known.

My regular talks with my neighbour revolved around lord’s will and the surrendrance to his will. Not to forget the belief that his will is with the best of intention in spite of it being in contradiction to my tastes and likes and dislikes. And I found that he actually lived those words when the time demanded him of it. “all the world’s a stage and all men and women mere players”- Shakespeare.

Everyone who comes must also go.

मौत पे किसकी रफ्तागिरी है,
आज उनकी तो कल हमारी बरी है.
“No one’s got a stay on death, today it’s his but tomorrow is my turn.”

Heard it so many times have we, but has it sunk in? In this world only two things are for certain- uncertainty and death. Still why can’t we accept it with equanimity and grace. After all,

हर जनम में हम पोषक ही थो बदलते है
थो फिर हमें मरने या हमारी मरने की यह क्या बात है?
“I just change the attire in each of my lives, then what is this talk of me dying or killing me?”

Once, a Zen Master went to Bombay on an official trip. His three children aged three, two and one died suddenly in his absence at Hyderabad. His wife was perplexed. She didn’t know how to pass this news to her husband. She dressed the children in the inner room for the last journey and waited in the hall for her husband to return the next day. He returned the following day. She gave him water to drink. She asked him to sit down and asked him gently “Dear, if the neighbour asks me to keep few things of theirs for safe keeping in your absence, is it fine if I do so?” He smiled. He knew his wife very well. She could never go back in helping anyone. He nodded and said “Of course, you can. I wouldn’t mind.” She gathered little courage and asked the next question. “If the same neighbour comes back and asks me to return his things to him – again in your absence, would you be angry if I do so?” Zen Master smiled and replied, “He is asking for his things. Why would I be angry if you return his items back to him.”

Wife asked the Zen Master to come in. When he saw the bodies of his three children, he immediately understood his wife’s questions and the reason behind them. He quietly asked his wife to do the needful while he went ahead with his duties.

This balance is a possibility only if our Trust and Belief in GOD is REAL and just not verbal.

We say we believe Him but, only as long as things go in our favour. A little jerk in the routine and the Trust just flies out of the window sill. Why do we always Doubt our Beliefs? Yet faithfully Believe our Doubts? Time we shift our belief to Beliefs and Doubt our doubts. When we presume things going out of hand, actually he is at work to set them right the best possible way! Remember The Little Hut story.

No, this doesn’t apply to just accepting death. It is all to remind ourselves the “Importance of Let Go” in our little sensitive Lives. The moment we term something or someone as OURS, the identification makes it difficult and many times impossible to let it/them let go – though it may be for mutual benefit and good.

We don’t let go of our negative emotions – pain, anger, sadness, jealousies, depression and like because we call them “Mine” – My anger, My pain etc।

We don’t let go of our diseases as we accept them as something that need to be lived them for rest of the life time. We have this unwritten vow with most of our diseases “till death do us apart!”. How faithful we are to our diseases!

We don’t let go of our near ones off the formalities and rituals. We bind them with the formalities and rituals. We are afraid we’ll lose them if they don’t follow any or few formalities or rituals. Guilt and accusations and the weapons used to bring them back to the old ways. Because, we are presumably safe in the known backdrop of dead rituals.

We don’t let go of our near and dear friends because we are afraid of loneliness। We feel we would be left alone for rest of the life। Though at every juncture, we have made new and better friends and moved on both in life and grown as a person with every new relationship that’s come our way। Baseless fear stops us from letting go of the dead relationships too! Who afsana jise manzil thak lana na ho mumkin use ek khoobsoorat mod dekar chodna achha ! (That relationship which cannot be lived till the end should be given a decent and a beautiful turn and left alone!)

The same applies for name, fame, success, assets and all that I address as mine.

Letting Go is an ART that’s to be learnt for sure for happy living and it reflects our Spiritual Quotient too! We are but condemned to this choice of learning this lesson of Letting Go without fail – sooner or later. Then why not now?

Letting go means we are sure that
“when things work my way – its good, but when they don’t its doubly good because His Will is in it and His Will is ALWAYS for my larger Good only – FOR SURE and EVER SO MORE!.

This is the pre-requisite lesson for satisfied, peaceful, blissful and complete Life that each one of us longs to experience and lead.

May the Divine guide you in learning this lesson of life,



Lucky Raja said...

Some people are using SMS/internet language to write their comments. When Ms Revathi with patience uses complete ENGLISH WORDS in her writings then it is our duty to use complete ENGLISH WORDS to write our comments.

The people who use such SMS language have an ATTITUDE problem and they are insulting their GURU, REIKI and themselves...They better go to other internet site and write their FUNNY LANGUAGE...where they might be appreciated by same level of thinking people.

mohan said...

This is a sacred site for teaching.....
I agree with Lucky Raja.....this is not the place to use SMS language...

suvarchala said...

yes I do agree with mohan that yes this is the site for teaching and should understand the importance of let go as said.May we all take the path of divine and lead a balanced life.All said should be done.

padmaja said...


padmaja said...


padmaja said...


suvarchala said...


rajeswari said...

Let us not Bankrupt our tody by paying Interest on the regrets of yesterday and by borrowing in advance the troubles of tomorrow. Let us enjoy Today.

Yogesh said...

Hi Happy Ugadi First of all. Thank you very much for sending reiki to
me. Few days I was bleeding from my excretory system and was facing problem.
With the symptoms I shared with my friends they suggested that it might have been piles. I was in state of confusion.
Then suddenly I realised what revathi guruji said "When they are times where you dont find the way due to some
personal or emotional disturbances, surrendrence to GOD is one best thing you do and
let him take care of You". I sat in meditation while sitting in meditation I had one thought in my mind
continuosly wavering "God this life is your gift to me. Its yours completely and you know how to take care
of it. Its up to you God how you solve this problem". I sat in meditation for some time. Immediately when I got up my
mom said about a Homeo pathy doctor whom she follow. Then I asked her to contact him if he can help me out. I spoke to
him, mentioned about my symptoms, he suggested some medicines for immediate relief. I charged those medicines with reiki and used for one day and I find lot of improvement in my condition. Then I personally went and met him and took treatment. Now I am absolutely wonderful.

The ups and downs in life will teach you lessons and introduce more valuable people into your life who can be with you
at difficult times.

Thank you God,Thank you reiki, Thank you guruji and Thank you very much one and all for sending reiki for me and helping to heal my self by finding a specialist doctor who not only
solves the physical problem but also analyses ones personality because he says homeopathy is not for the disease but its for the patient who is affected by that disease due to change in his personality.

vijayalakshmi said...

Language is called the garment of thought: however, it should rather be, language is the flesh-garment, the body, of thought.

R.Vaibhav Lal said...

1)The moment we term something or someone as OURS, the identification makes it difficult and many times impossible to let it/them let go – though it may be for mutual benefit and good.

2)That relationship which cannot be lived till the end should be given a decent and a beautiful turn and left alone!!!

the above 2 lines have soothed my restless mind & heart...
i do accept it 100% without any doubts in it...but sometimes its really painful to let go things/people even though its for our mutual benefit...

many times i feel that always logical answering of things/situations does not justify but i have seen that in long run this is the only thing that benefits all of us...


Dear & Respected Revathi mam

i then again feel

what is the benefit of being a reiki channel??
being a devotee of god??
being a good person??

i mean....there is also a post on this blog which tells about hare & rabbit story..etc etc ..hare wins but rabbit gets that thing inspite of failing the race etc etc ...coz he has sports quota!!

similarly we reiki channels also are supposed to have reiki quota...

but then again why is that the things we want are sometimes difficult to get? or y is that it is again denied...

i do agree if we are channels it does not mean all our wishes be fulfilled but atleast a very few of them...which we individually give lots of priority be fulfilled in one of the wonderfull ways...that will please us a lot....

sometimes when we teach someone something is it always necessary to loose something & learn ??

dont we have some way so that we can even get things what we want and god is still able 2 find/create a way to teach what he was intending to teach??

please mam answer all my above questions!!!

please mam...i will be very very greatful & thankfull 2 u....