Thursday, May 7, 2020

Start living today


Start living today.........

Best Moment Quotes: Top 35 Live in the Moment Quotes

It was so with school/ college and any and every other phase of my life!

Love life! Cherish every moment! Living it one day @ a time ... I’ve two options available:
1.     To go on living, complaining and suffering the same way for the rest of my life.
2.     Accept my nature to be at fault. Accept that I don’t have a problem. I am the problem! Stop blaming, accusing, hating, calling names, abusing Reiki, master, Universal laws and God and start first living the life the right way from now on. Stop complaining about everything and everyone!

Start looking at good things instead of only ‘few flaws’ (so called) in life!

Best Moment Quotes: Top 35 Live in the Moment Quotes As I work on my goals and desires, I should also celebrate what I already have in life! We usually take what we have with us for granted. We are so involved in possessing, hoarding and chasing things and people in life that we don’t take time to be with them. Life is not getting things and people! Life is about being with them. Life is about living.

I have board games at home that we hardly put to use. Instead we complain about ‘bad content’ on TV and still keep watching it. Can’t we put it to rest and go on to playing games with our family and friends. Where are those days gone?

40 Family Quotes - Short Quotes About the Importance of Family

We have parks in our vicinity/ colony/ neighbourhood that we hardly visit. And yet complain of being unable to take vacation in some hill station?! Even if you go to the park, it is just to do “rounds” of walk and rush back home. Walking is also done either gossiping or listening to phones. Some great souls watch videos as they walk! Walk as if that is the only thing worth doing for the day! Enjoy your walk! Be with yourself in that walk of your day! Connect with your self during walk! If you can't and don't want to be with self, why would someone else be happy being with you?


Life is Too Short Quotes and Sayings to Make You Appreciate It ...
How much time did I spend per day with the little ones at home playing, listening to their dreams, imaginations etc? Do we have family time that doesn’t involve just ‘what to cook tomorrow’ or ‘when to leave for that family function’ type of questions? We already have family that we don’t spend fun-time with and yet complain that we want love; a partner in life!

Quotes About The Present Moment. QuotesGram If you can’t love the people already in your life, are not happy with ones you spend time with now, then no new friends/ job/ partner can give that love/ joy in your life!

So on and so forth…

I need to start living and living today! Yes, I need to stop day dreaming and hoping to live in the future. I need to live today! I need to start living instead of chasing things and people I need….I need to live! 

Isn't it an irony that 'today' I want to do few of these things like going to park etc and I can't because of social distancing and lockdown?

But still the good news is there are few things which still are within my reach like spending time with family etc and I have been blessed with time and opportunity to experience the same. My wish has come true! This wish has also come true like many others earlier........

Can I trust that other wishes too would come true like this?


# living in the moment, challenges of life, art of living, living and existing, hoarding and experiencing life, happiness, mindfulness, 

Previous posts on the topic : 

Food for thought : 

  • If you look at things for which you can be happy and grateful, you'll find 24hrs a day to be much lesser time to count them.......
  • Dreams, goals, desires are to be worked for. They are to be chased. They propel us to get up and work. But their fulfillment or possessing can't be the condition for our happiness!
  • Happiness is the 'state of being'. It doesn't need anything external to validate it or experience it.
  • Sense of achievement comes from external possessions and getting things and wish being fulfilled. 
  • Happiness and sense of achievement are two totally different things.
  • They are not a 'single package'. 

Life tip: 

Can you describe three people closest to you in a word or a sentence?

I know a person and the best way to describe him would be  "....and he gave a damn!" 

Other person I know would be "she lived life to the fullest on her terms!"

One woman would be "She lived for others"

So you get the picture, now do it!


Supriya said...

Person 1 : take life as it comes. Even if he is grounded, he does not protest instead he waits it out. Mostly, he is glad that the punishment came with an expiry date 🤣

Person 2: planning is the only way to manage life successfully. Should have multiple plans, in case the original plan fails.

Person 3: tough times don’t last, tough people do. I have seen this person go through unimaginable circumstances. He has accept life and grew wiser with it.

I did not name the people above, but they are very close to me whom I have observed.


Kshitija said...

3 people I would like to describe are
My maa unconditional love she lives for me and many like me
Janaki didi live this moment
Prasanna a true friend

Mona said...

Person 1 - Lives only for others, but with confidence and on her own terms
Person 2 - Works extremely hard to make everyone happy (and always succeeds in it), but wonders at night if his life is actually his own
Person 3 - Tries to forgive and reform everyone in his life
Person 4 - Takes life as it comes, and can survive the toughest situations. But has never realised her true beauty or potential

V Sridhar said...

1. She is bold & beautiful & lives her life moment to moment thru every certainty or uncertainty with same poise & equanimity.

2. He has a laugh or a joke for the worst situation

3. He is determined & undeterred by anything life throws at him & started to run a marathon after the age of sixty...

Vaibhav said...

Greetings Mam,

Happiness and sense of achievement are two totally different things. And the above two lines previous to this statement...

Thank you so much for these lines mam, these lines are like sparks of realisation for me(sattories as you termed it few years back during a class), this is so true, I couldn't understand this simple thing since long, kept interlinking both and felt sad always...

Thank you so much mam for these lines ... I have got some clarity in my thought process today...

Thank You Guruji,
Thank You Reiki.