Sunday, May 3, 2020

Me, my Guru – on heaven and hell


Me, my Guru – on  heaven and hell

54 Inspirational Yoga Quotes (Ready for Social Media Sharing)Look at each of your experiences. Although the situations you have faced in life over time are same, the way healing has taken place is different every time. Take relationships for example; - the type of healing taking place affects your relationship, approach, perspective, expectations and is different each time. This changes over the years. So, the healing never ends. It is like an onion. Layer by layer it heals. Layer by layer you see its effect in your life. Healing regularly is the choice you make. And you create one heaven after the other for yourself. One heaven is better than the other. To the one at the starting point though it is difficult to see understand and appreciate, it sure is a fact. Those who have tasted heaven at least in bits and pieces encourage others who are at the starting point still confused, frightened, doubtful as to whether to step into this world of self-healing or not.

7 Spiritual Tools to Calm Coronavirus Anxiety Now Cheer him up at every little step he takes. Encourage him with your past state of mind. Regale him with your experience. Stand by him when he falters in his newly ‘taken steps’. Shout at him if need be – like a mother who shouts at a child who is afraid of riding a bicycle. But let that shout come out of love for him. At the same time don’t let him cling to you. Use your love for him to exploit you to do things for him. Don’t turn him into a human parasite that feeds off others’ love and concern. Don’t create hell for him. Don’t join him there. Make him stand on his feet. Make him self-reliant. Teach him to create heaven for himself. He may swear at you with his ignorance. Don’t bother. You work towards creating heaven for him. Send Reiki to a channel who you think needs to be self-reliant, who needs to look with honesty as his flaws and work on himself. If you expect others to do reiki for you then do for others. By making the road thorn-less for others, you are creating ‘heaven’ of higher degree unto yourself. Let not your wish be verbal. Act on it. You are creating a heaven every time you act on your words. If you just ‘mouth good words’; it is like standing on the shore and wishing to cross the river. Jump into the river – ACT, ACT NOW! 

Why Love Heals - The Healing Power of Agape Love

Be a heaven unto yourself. Be a heaven for others.


# hell and heaven, mind, mind games, anger, expectations, conditions, clarity of thought, balance of mind, being stoic, stress, response and reactions, challenges of life

previous posts related to this topic : 

Questions addressed : 

  • How to create heaven for one's kid?
  • How to be a better parent?
  • How to create heaven in every relationship?
  • How to avoid causing hell for others and self?
Thought for the day :
  • At every stage we see the healing addresses the same issue differently.
  • It heals the issue at times.
  • It heals our perspective some times.
  • It heals the way we handle the situation on other times.
  • It heals the way we make a wish also.
  • It increases our strength and resilience to face a situation.
  • It heals our fears, imaginations and anger.
  • It develops our trust, confidence and ultimately playfulness.
  • No issue goes away from our life till it has taught us everything it has come to teach.
  • Life is a hard teacher. It doesn't leave you alone. It goes only when it has completed the job it has been assigned to do - that of teaching you!

Healing Tip :

Instead of asking 'why it happened to me?' try asking 'how do I handle it differently to be in a better state of mind?' 

1 comment:

Mona said...

Thank you Guruji. This helped me a lot.