Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The man and the frogs

Read the story to understand the explanation given below: https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=stories+and+all+-+man+and+the+frog

The man and the frogs 

The man in the story represents ‘us’; each one of us! The house he buys represents the ‘body’ we house in! We take to this body – our residence in search and with desire to experience happiness and joys of the materialistic kind.

Ocean Drops Music - Rumi Quotes

But are we happy as we ‘reside’ in this body of ours? Everyone’s search is towards and for happiness, peace and contentment only. Each of us defines and assumes his peace, happiness and contentment in the various things of the world. Whatever we do or don’t is to be happy, content or peaceful. Whether it is eating right, living right, earning, marriage, children, education, achievements, charity, good deeds – in short everything – is towards this end only.

Dalai Lama XIV Quote: “All suffering is caused by ignorance ...
Cause of suffering

Why! A person who lies, steals, cheats, hurts others etc. also does it for his happiness and satisfaction! He thinks his acts will give him all this! And yet, in spite of running in all directions, he is sad, restless and agitated! Why? Because he is searching for the ‘right things’ in the ‘wrong places’. Happiness, peace and satisfaction are internal possessions. They can’t be found in external world. And yet we go around doing this, janma after janma. The reason – the two frogs in the pond!

Eternal Wisdom Quotes

The pond represents our ‘manas’ (seat of emotions and attitudes). One frog called ‘fear’ and another called ‘ignorance’ create all the sound during the night. The night here is symbolic of our state of mind, namely, darkness and lack of light (knowledge).

Gautama Buddha quote: The cause of all pain and suffering is ...

Fear and ignorance are the only ‘two sins’ – the original sins or flaws of human birth. These two give rise to all the negativities of the world, namely, jealousy, anger, pain, suffering, competition, envy, selfishness, greed, stupidity and what not!

New Images - Collection Of Inspiring Quotes, Sayings, Images ...

Out of ‘fear’ for our near and dear, we condition them to certain behaviour, way of living and life choices. When they don’t adhere to our expressions of the so-called love in the form of conditions and expectations, we get depressed, sad, angry, worried, tensed and what not! And we think ‘our loved ones’ are responsible for our pain and suffering. 


Related post : https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=ignorance 

Questions addressed : 

  • What is the basis of our pain and suffering?
  • How to be happy all the time?
  • What is it removing which we can be happy and blissful all the time?
  • Removing what can be have energies to experience life to the fullest?
Points to be understood :
  • Instead of dealing with problems and addressing them one after the other, remove the cause of the problem itself.
  • When we try to work on making things and situations right in life, we are only dealing with it topically. We are doing plastic surgery to the problem. We are not addressing the issue the right way.
  • Remove the cause of pain and suffering in our life and the situations and events wouldn't bother us so much. The life becomes a play. In play we lose some and win some.
  • Same way we'll experience life too! We realize we face some situations and people we win over and are happy about and some we lose to and they cause harm or trouble in our lives. But either way since we are playing we enjoy the game anyhow.
Health tip : Keep yourself hydrated enough to fight the tiredness caused by  erratic climatic change and effect. Dehydration causes body pains, tiredness, breathlessness too in severe cases, irritation, cramps, headaches ............in case all symptoms exist just drink electrolyte for one day and notice the difference.......next time onwards work on keeping yourself hydrated as and when even one of the symptoms show up

Blog tip : After completion of each topic read all the posts of that topic again in one go...... your understanding will be easier, complete and effortless.....

After completion of each topic and reading all the posts sit in meditation on that post for atleast 15 minutes.....it is the best way to increase your clarity of thought, understanding and perception.

# fear, ignorance, attachments, purpose of life, life choices, master and discipleship, attitudes, happiness, we are what we see, look within, inner world and outer world, anger, pain and suffering

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