Wednesday, May 20, 2020

On comments and healing

Share an experience /insight / understanding  a day till Covid situation - why did you stop doing it?

How many of you are still with covid challenge? 

Have we reduced the burden of our weight on Mother Earth atleast by few kgs? Are we finding excuses to do exercise and keep ourselves fit or are we finding reasons to avoid it?


Vaibhav said...

Greetings Mam,

I've started doing 10-15 Sets of Suryanamaskar's. I dont have a weighing machine to check my weight regularly but yeah it feels really great to get drenched in the sweat! Will gradually increase the number of Suryanamaskar's

Thank you for initiating this mam...

Thank you Guruji,
Thank you Reiki...

Supriya said...

Still on it ma’am. I picked climbing stairs as challenge. Sometimes I go out for a walk and keep it confined to my neighborhood. I am not a treadmill person, so I stick to climbing. I think I am finally gaining weight easily and am scared to step on the scale šŸ¤£. My focus, for now, is to keep my joints and heart in good shape. Thanks!

V Sridhar said...

Covid challenge very much onšŸ‘...
I have had a few boring feeling moments in sadhan...I just watched it & persisted with the sadhan & after sometime found it go away on its own... & I did feel fresh afterwards...

I am discovering a new cook/chef in me!! I continue to regularly surprise myself & Arthi/Sriram with my skills...Thanks to Reiki...

Wanted to share a Reiki Magic!!! I wanted to make slight change on my online Meditation class as I felt it was tending to get repetitive & was wondering what to do about it... Suddenly my eyes fell on a small booklet & box of Osho Meditation cards on the bookshelf... It was a gift by Sriram to Arthi on her birthday... I opened it & found to my delight there were 53 cards & each of them had a Buddha teaching/sutra & Osho's interpretation...
Interestingly the one card that I opened first was on 'Sammasati'... His last words - "Remember"... Remember what is your inner space...just remember...
With this my new sessions (which is now once a week) hv begun with 'A truth to be meditated & experimented upon for the week'...
I am finding it is now taking its own course...
Thank you & with love

Kshitija said...

I am sorry for few days I could not give my experiences. There is soo much that has happened in my life
1. My mom in law came to my house this is the biggest miracle of my life because she is staying since past few days and this is first time she is staying with us since past 10 years.
2. We are very peaceful with each other and happy so that’s really great for me .
3. I have noticed a great change in my attitude.
4. Everyday has become a miracle for me every minute is a miracle.
These healings have helped me a lot
Ps I am working very slowly on my holiday challenge
Thank you reiki
Thank you Guruji

Mona said...

Yes I'm trying to do light exercises whenever I can. Ive only lost 1kg till now. Thank you.