Thursday, May 28, 2020

Me, My Guru – On death and healing


Me, My Guru – On death and healing

Quotes About Living Up To Your Parents Expectations. QuotesGram

But she continued her explanation unaware of my thought process. “How many times your wish didn’t come true and yet on a later day you thanked Reiki for the same?”

black and white, disappointments, expectations and family - image ...
That shows how we ask our wishes even without knowing if it is for our good or not. Reiki doesn’t fulfill a wish for various reasons. Sometimes it’s just that the time is not right. Other times, it is because it is not right for us. Sometimes, it is even protecting us against some possible event! That way Reiki knows and can see beyond time and see if a certain wish is for our good or not! It thus gives us what is good for us, when it is good for us” she concluded.

“So now did you understand why and how healing helps to heal the Earth?” I asked Vaishnav.

Desire, Believe and Expectation Quote - (With Picture)

“No, not really...But I understand that if we heal some good is sure to come out of it” replied Vaishnav.

We all laughed.

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Actually most of us didn’t understand it either. But we have seen the miracles of healing on so many occasions that we had stopped questioning it now. We knew it worked. Maybe our understanding didn’t increase to the level of understanding Reiki’s working. But our trust surely had increased over the years. And based on that we kept healing and seeing the way it shaped us and our lives. For now that much of knowledge seemed more than enough. 

78 powerful Dalai Lama quotes on life, love and happiness - Hack ...

We sat to do Earth healing silently…….


Read previous post to know on how to handle expectations 

Some thinking to do - 

Who is the river? 
Who is the traveler? 
What does the story tell you? 
What are the various events in it and how do you relate them to your life and its situations? 
Who are these people?

Don't just answer these questions like a 5th grade student.......questions are given as a indication of how we are to process the information and the story here. Understand it completely and give the complete picture of your understanding. That's how you answer these stories......not just answer to a question asked......think like a Phd student and answer like one......

Points to be understood :
  • Expectations, desire and belief if understood right and applied right can become our strengths. If misplaced they can create havoc in ourselves and our life.
  • They can charge us with energy enough to win the world.
  • They have power to drive us crazy and in turn drive people away from our life.
  • If your expectation is already driving you crazy, making you restless then look around you. Do you see smiling faces looking at you? Do you have people who will stand by you or wanting to spend every minute available to them to be with you? If answer is no for even one of the above question, then sit and meditate on your expectation. Know its nature. Know how it is sending wrong vibrations that is sending away good things and right things from happening in your life.
  • If the energy you are sending is not right, how many ever people who invite or find coming into your life, your life will always be a mess. 
  • Change in the name of the person or the name of the relationship will not and can not give you that 'elusive' happiness you are looking for if you can't change the energy of expectation you are generating.
  • No body need punish you for who you are! 
  • We are curse unto ourselves with the energies that we generate!
  • We are blessing unto ourselves with the energies that we generate!
  • Which one are you?
Questions answered :

What are the questions that are answered in this entire post? 
Read the whole topic post again in one go. Sit in meditation. Calmly go through the post and see how many of your issues have found answers in this post....
share if you care.......

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