Thursday, May 7, 2020

on feedbacks and comments

On feedbacks and comments

Based on your feedback we'll follow the schedule as below from tomorrow onwards :

Morning (IST) Light Circle - 7 am - 7.30am (especially for the late risers)

Pooja/chanting follows - 7.30am-8 am

Night (IST) Light Circle - 9 pm - 10pm

Since we don't have people doing or not interested for afternoon and evening session, it stands cancelled.

Each one of you can do other healings as per your wish and convenience..........


Kshitija said...

Yesterday I did not do my afternoon meditation of one hour I felt some what disturbed through out the day
During this time I used to do my meditations learnt in the class and it was very helpful for me hence I would like to continue to do meditations during this time it’s really very helpful to me thank you .

Supriya said...

I have had experiences similar to the ones posted by other Sadhaks on the blog:
1. Underwater experience
2. Feeling that I am part of the universe and then gradually finding universe to be part of me. I first saw something like this when I received the first message from Lord Shiva right in the beginning of our group healings (LC in particular)
3. Feeling the energy flow over and through me from top to bottom. I did not think/draw similarities of it with the energy flowing through chakras until I read it here. At that point I felt like I am sitting under a water fall and the water(energy) is flowing through me. The energy flow was through my physical body and aura. Also had the feeling that my energy (me) is part of that energy, and not a different energy. I may not be able to explain this part clearly.

I am thankful to everyone who has been sharing their experience. It gives me the confidence that I am not hallucinating 🤣..

Also, everything that I am thinking of is manifesting instantly. I believe it is because of these healing sessions. Also, my needs are automatically taken care of. I do realize that I need to be mindful of what I am thinking. After all ‘with great power comes great responsibility’ 😀.. of course I have limited power. That limited power in itself is great for me and I appreciate every bit of it.

This is the first time I am part of a group healing for an extended period of time and I truly appreciate this opportunity!

Thank you reiki!
Thank you guruji!
Thank you everyone and everything that is directly or indirectly involved!
