Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Expectations and conditions


Expectations and conditions

The Noble Purpose of Suffering | The Unity Codex

Type C The sensitive and with Trust type : These have healed much more of their negative attitudes and their clarity is shinning forth in their behaviour, attitude and persona. They also expect me to write daily as they enjoy and benefit from the writings. But beyond that is their trust that I work through all odd hours to meet these demands – of writing, healing etc. That trust is not based on ‘blind belief’ or ‘stupid flattery’ or ‘blind idol worship’.  It is built over the years. They remember all the times their healing benefited them. They have followed the process and come to understand that the process works even if not understood by them. They believe in the process. They don’t condition the result anymore. They are with the process with a trust that it works in their way – whether it goes as per their plan or otherwise! And thus they trust me…….

Suffering is inevitable. Learning how to suffer is within your ...
They trust my intentions. They know they can trust my intentions for them. So, they are not being angry or sad about ‘no posts’. They are actually worried for me! Their worry is out of concern for me.  There is no ‘condition’ to fulfill their expectation of me writing the blog. So, there is trust! Where Trust is affection is present there! And where affection is present, trust is present there! They are not angry, sad or frustrated here inspite of me not fulfilling their expectations.

Pain Quotes · MoveMe Quotes

But in Type A – expectation is need based. They are filled with fear – because of circumstances. And their ‘demand’ is that the ‘other person removes that fear – here that person being me. And since I am not living up to that ‘condition’ they feel I have failed them. They think I am responsible for their suffering. And no doubt, hate me and are angry at me. Some cry, some shout. But both are result of not healing that ‘need’ of theirs. No doubt, you end up saying ‘I can’t trust you’ or ‘how can I trust you when you haven’t done anything to me?’

Here ‘anything’ represents ONLY the present desire which is pending.  These are the people who hush up all the ‘miracles’ or ‘wishes fulfilled’ as ‘some small small things happen but….’.
suffering quotes

Their expectation is need based.

They have a ‘strong’ condition that their expectation should be met – always!

No doubt, they can’t trust! 


Questions answered : 
  • What stops people from trusting?
  • Are there different types of expectations?
  • Does the source of expectation make a difference in how we react to the result?
Points to be understood :
  • Where there is fear, there is no faith or trust. 
  • Where there is trust, there is no fear. 
  • Trust depends upon our attitude.
  • Where there is gratitude, clarity of thought, love, respect trust flows effortlessly. 
  • Trust is based on past actions and experiences. Trust once gained so can't be lost. Expectations may not be met, but trust is not gone. 
  • Where trust given or received is blind or emotional, it is easily broken as it is based on expectations ONLY! 

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