Thursday, May 14, 2020

on comments and healings

On comments and healings........

How is covid Challenge going on?

Still on it or have you given up with a valid excuse?

What is the progress rate?

Summer is the best month to exercise as losing weight is easier because of the climate........use it , put it to good use.........


Supriya said...

It’s tough but trying to do it as much as I can..

V Sridhar said...

Covid challenge is very much on... there is good progress...there is more walking (we are fortunate to be allowed here!!) least 3-5 kms average, sometimes even 6.5+... Regular exercise, pranayam, Hands on, healing, Reading & applying lessons, Feeling good end of the day when I note down the thank you moments of the day...
Thank you for everything...With love