Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Indian Mythology - Shiva Parvathi - Me, My Guru


Here for once, we didn’t gossip. We didn’t want tea or break. These things were ‘our necessities’ so to say in our regular sessions, but today, our desire to hear her talk on ‘Shiva and Parvathi’ changed the dynamics completely. Now they became impediments. They became blockages between us and our desire. We even got irritated at tea and gossip.  So surprising! Yes, what she had said was too true “It’s all the matter of time. There is nothing as absolute ‘want’ or ‘desire’. “What is an object of joy today can itself become the object of our pain tomorrow. The difference in many cases is never the object. Its the way the mind perceives it. So don’t count on your emotions. Don’t trust them to guide you right”. Then I had thought as in many occasions “Does she even know what she is blabbering? Why does she say such paradoxical statements? Does she even know that those words and sentences don’t make any sense?” honestly I had doubted her sanity often. And it took years of my perseverance and patience to stick to her and her mercy to accept my idiosyncrasies with ‘her grace’ so typical of her to come to this level of understanding. Looking back, I have many times surprised myself with my growth and shift in perception. How and when it happened I never knew! But it has happened. For good!

“Hearing most of talk of your understanding and joy of watching the TV show ‘Mahadev’ I’ll not repeat the mythological part of Shiva and Parvathi’s story in detail. Many places, I’ll just refer one or two incidents from the mythology assuming you all know the ‘story detail’ of it – courtesy TV show! I think we can give the credit of visually experiencing these stories to the ‘Idiot box’. As you see, this is one more example of some good coming out of everything – however useless, harmful or bad it might be.

Well, at any place you don’t know the mythological angle, please ask and I’ll explain that part in detail.

Ok. Your question basically stems from your understanding that ‘Shiva and Parvathi’ are ‘divine beings’ if not human beings who are separated regularly and yet meet each other after long periods of separation. Right? Don’t look so sad. Don’t feel guilty. And don’t worry that’s a very common mistake everyone makes when they read ‘Hindu Mythological stories’. The non-believers also have this as basis of their senseless argument. It’s not their problem. If the believer can’t see it, how can you expect a fanatic from other religion to grasp this Truth? Simply impossible!  Just be with me. The knowledge is of basically two varieties – para-vidya and apara vidya. Apara vidya is all such of knowledge that is
pertaining to everything that we can relate of this world, in short all the sciences or knowledge of this world comes under this category like sciences, psychology, arts, commerce, polity etc....whereas para-vidya deals with the ‘Higher Knowledge’ or such of Truths that lead us to the Ultimate Reality – The Brahman. Now the subject that we are dealing with essentially deals with ‘para-vidya’ i.e., higher knowledge.  You brought it up as some story worth listening but it is not so....this knowledge is difficult – nay impossible for me to explain. I am not deft at handling this science. What I know, I know, but to word it is not only difficult but impossible too. Because, it is experiential knowledge and not to be logically understood. The words and their meanings represent all relate to this material world and the science or topic we are dealing with is beyond this realm.  ‘It’ is the world. So, there can’t be any word from this world that I can use to describe or explain ‘It’. So, I have limitation of language as I venture in this area. So please be with me body, mind and soul and with utmost faith and love. it can’t  be understood if His Grace is not there. So be humble as you listen.


Madhumita said...

We are as excited as probably you were during the session. :-)

REVATHI said...

i know...

Vaibhav said...


Most of the times, I have checked the time when you posted on blog..

I have seen 3am, 4am, 11pm etc.. but this one was way too different and surprizing :
posted by REVATHI at 2:39 AM on Jan 18, 2017..

2:39AM literally!! Wow..

Guru is never off duty! :) You are Always available to clear your shishyas queries..

Wondering if this was posted at 2:39AM then since when you started typing all this & etc...

Thank you so much mam ^_^ .. We feel very special and blessed to have a guru like you in our lives...

This should act as an eye opener for all those who say they do not have time to heal their own problems in life(Including me whenever I complain the same).. even though we have a guru like you who is available 24*7 ...

Sorry if this hurt's anyone but since I realized this, I thought I should share this analogy..

Kshitija said...

The people who want session on shiva and Parvathi read these posts before
What a wonderful description
Three years today when I read it my understanding of it is entirely different it's like to am able to see the world clearly