Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Indian Mythology - Shiva and Parvathi - Me, My Guru


Just to marry ‘her own and ONLY’ husband, she did such ‘severe penance’. Even to get what is yours karmically, you need to do such tapas. That is the lesson this ‘Avatar’ of hers teaches us! And all that only to get married to him! Not for life after that. Where are in this path? Letting go off all the comforts is a ‘type’ of penance. So is doing away with basic needs. She was a princess who let go off all the comforts and luxuries of her life just to be in close proximity of ‘her love’, when He didn’t even acknowledge her presence

Next, food, clothing and shelter are basic ‘needs’ for anyone’s life. She let go off that too gradually. And not just one or two days but for years on end! Yet she wasn’t depressed or angry at Him. She waited doing and fulfilling her part of relationship.

Where are we in our relationship? How much do we give and what? What little we give, we demand 1000 times of that! And yet we are depressed because of our relationships? How ironic is that? If we are truly in love (which we often declare to be in), then why do we count every second of our wait and crib? Patience is the essential virtue in love “I can’t wait maam”, can’t be the cry of any wait or love....so face, the truth, know yourself and your intentions clearly and completely and for heaven’s sake stop defending your intentions and desires as justified enough to go into depression and pain..........

If you ‘truly love’ something, it’ll be yours. Yes, that’s too! But when the ‘Time’ comes. You can’t want something now and want its fulfilment too just now! Karma and life is not 2 mt noodles. Understand that!

Once a young and an intelligent lady desired to mother a child and she started talking and complaining about it to one and all! Many people seeing her plight gave various suggestions which would fulfil her dream. One such tip was ‘do pradakshina’ (circumambulate) the banyan tree which is in the courtyard of that village’s Shiva temple. Now, next day early in the morning, this woman got up, took bath and rushed to the temple. There she would circumambulate the tree and look at her stomach”.

We all laughed. We knew this story, yet when she explained with that tinge of sarcasm in her voice and her eyes rolling, it sounded really funny. Maybe, that’s why we didn’t mind even hearing the same story again and again from her. “So, you can understand the stupidity in her act. Then why can’t we see ourselves doing the same thing?” she asked with lots of concern in her voice. We didn’t have an answer. It was odd though. Later when we discussed this, we agreed that none of us felt hurt here.



Madhumita said...

Went through a very nice old post! Pasting the link here for everyone to read. :-)


Vaibhav said...

Yes really a nice one...

Kshitija said...

If you ‘truly love’ something, it’ll be yours. Yes, that’s too! But when the ‘Time’ comes. You can’t want something now and want its fulfilment too just now! Karma and life is not 2 mt noodles. Understand that!
These line have been beautifully said