Saturday, January 28, 2017

Indian Mythology - Shiva and Parvathi - Me, My Guru


Your dog also can be your soul mate but every pet is not its owner’s soul mate. Get it? Soul mates don’t have any hidden agenda with the other. ONLY the others’ wellness is of concern to them. They are there in this relationship without a rhyme or a reason.

So, you see one person can have multiple soul mates in one life. For example : I can have my soul-mates in one of my parent+kid+3-4 friends+stranger with whom I interact for 3-4 days by virtue of traveling or job+ pets+grandchild. Get the picture? No where I am in physical relationship with any of these ‘soul mates’, yet they are my soul mates and hence our bond is so full of purity and love. Now is it clear?

Stop labeling all illicit relationships as ‘soul mates’. Don’t fool yourself into believing this stuff to be so and end up messing your life.

Please, I request you to be very careful with your understanding of such topics. If you don’t understand – no problem! Just don’t get it wrong!”

Rahul told me once “When she answers our questions, she is just not answering us. She is talking to all out there. Her over all explanation is for everyone. But, parts of it are for some specific people and their specific issues which she is addressing en masse without pointing them in public.

Remember that always! She has told me once “take what you think fits your issue at hand and leave the rest for others to pick. This happens for everyone, everytime and hence people come back with same questions again and again, because they haven’t heard it when told, as they didn’t have that doubt or problem, they didn’t listen to that part of my talk. So in later years when they seek answers for the similar problem they come back asking question for which I’ve given explanations umpteen times already!”

Now I noticed their statements to be true. Some issues she was referring again and again and people like me who felt it was redundant found it a little irritatingly repetitive. But again, she had so many students and knew and had to answer all of them too and that too at the same time! No doubt, for want of time she would squeeze the explanation of many in one single topic. If they received for whom she was stressing, well and good – if not, I mean what more can she do?

She reclined and gave us silence that we so longed to have for more than ½ an hour. Then she continued suddenly “So whatever be your desire, only way to seek boon for the same from Shiva and Parvathiji would be ‘sadhan’ as much as possible. And what we do is never more. Have the penance that Ma Parvathi did to just get a glance from Him in mind when I say ‘sadhan’. Only that is sadhan and penance. Since, we can’t do that with our other activities to attend to; we need to do limited sadhan for longer periods of time. So, doing ‘intention reiki’ since 3mths is no long. Keep doing till your wish comes true! No stopping you till then. There are no short-cuts in the field of penance.  Everyone has to do the same amount of work to receive the goodies of their choice!  If it wasn’t easy for Ma Shakthi, how can we demand it for ourselves in exchange for little good things that we state we have done? So, tighten your seat belts and start doing sadhan regularly this moment on!” she concluded.....


read these old posts for better understanding on this topic : 

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