Tuesday, January 10, 2017

On Teachers Everybody – Me, My Guru

On Teachers Everybody – Me, My Guru

Ramesh had come up with few references in some interviews of Salman khan being ‘not so hard working’ and he brought us those clips to prove it so. We were shocked – not about Salman Khan but not knowing how ‘she’ would take it. Would she be hurt or get angry? All this exercise of Ramesh proved only one thing – how he had gone to great heights to prove that ‘Salman’ was not ‘good enough’ of a person to be praised or set as an example. He also brought clipping of his
pending court cases. Rahul and Aziz were a bit irritated with this act of his. Though they were not so vocal about it, I didn’t hide this fact. I voiced it out. I even went to the extent of saying that he was ‘insulting her’ by this act of his. Though he cringed a bit, on the whole he was not sorry. He infact said “I am surprised that instead of saying ‘thankyou’ to me for bringing out that man’s character in open, you people are angry at me. I don’t understand why?”

She came her usual time and sat down to meditate. After 15mts, she opened her eyes to find our tensed faces. She wanted to know the cause of it and it was then that Ramesh explained it all. She immediately laughed and said “you researched to find his statements to be wrong or lie? Who are you trying to prove it? Does it affect Salman in any way? Remove Salman from that day’s teaching, does the principle of teaching change? Then why go through this extreme exercise? Does it benefit you in anyway by proving that the example I put forth was a wrong one?”

He answered in negative and she continued with same love in her voice and face “Please understand this point for all future reference too! Forget whom I am talking about. If you listen correctly, you’ll understand I am not promoting the person who I use as an example. Never! If all this exercise proves my teachings as baseless and hence use it as an excuse to say ‘and so I am not following it or I can’t follow it’, then forget it. Tell me, and I’ll give you an easier way out of this mess. Simply tell me or any other person ‘oh, it’s not my cup of tea. I don’t want to take that attitude. That would make me a good and hence boring person’. Simple! Isn’ it? Better still just state “meri marzi” – my wish. No
one can say anything after that. To not follow you don’t have to prove someone else wrong or as bad person. All this examples, stories and explanations is for those who want or trying to become what they are not now and are finding more temptations to fail than succeed. These examples and stories from contemporary times and mythology are inspirations and remainders of ‘who we want to be’ and ‘how we want to express ourselves as’. We get to know of behavioural possibilities and then we can choose if we want to take it or not! That totally is our choice! So relax, why are you getting worked out?

Whenever you read about any great character – be it Gandhi, Ramana Maharshi, Swami Vivekananda, Jesus, Buddha or Rama/Krishna, don’t go into validity of their existence and other details. Just use them as lamp posts throwing light on ‘who we are’ and also showing us our possibility. That’s all! Don’t get into arguments with non-believers. Don’t even suffer inability to prove your belief as ‘right’ or ‘good’. Silently follow their lead and live the possibility. Let your actions and thereby your character and life speak for itself. They will become witness to ‘the change you so desired to be’. Show others and lead others by being that example that you admire or have devotion for. Let others see Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda, Rama and Kabir in you. Don’t talk and waste your time on them. Just be!

‘Successful and happier’ people are those who work on something constructive. They work on their inspirations. They always are working towards achieving something and creating something beautiful, meaningful and useful.

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