Sunday, January 15, 2017

On Indian Mythology - Shiva Parvathi - Me, My Guru


Trust me, today if someone says this, it would be impossible for me to do this. I mean how can I let go off my expectations yet be in regular sadhan for 15yrs? What seems impossible today happened effortlessly that day. It surely must be Her Grace and His Grace that I shed my expectations then and there. It was as if I had dipped in the waters of time and I was a new person. I didn’t look back. I kept up with my part of doing. No where I felt it was, I mean life and its situations were taking me to any place conducive but yet here I am 15years down the line proving her every word true! I just worked on my pain and hurt and today I am better and calmer person. I have gone through lots of nonsense and today I realize the ‘sense’ in those times and events. They actually were ‘the chisel’ that cut out unnecessary in me to bring out the sculpture called ‘me of today’. My every yesterday
contributed to me being who I am today. My every hurt caused me to be sensitive, loving, compassionate, selfless and detached. He did sculpt me for better. I am glad I was made to walk that path and I met all those I did in this path. But that is today’s realization. When I was on that path, I didn’t even have faintest idea of this day. So, to sum up,  if you can trust and be in regular correct sadhan with no malice or envy for others and purity of intent, He’ll certainly lead you. If life-story that I shared with you was beneficial then know Him to be with you and if you find it unnecessary and irritating, know that to be my inability to communicate” so saying she sat down.

We half expected her to breakdown in the middle of her talk but she didn’t. I expected her to feel drained out at the end of it. That too didn’t happen! This was a bit rare. Usually when people narrated something personal, they were bound to revisit their wounds somewhere too and in the process they ended up being there. But as she narrated it looked or rather sounded so clinical. She didn’t tell a word of it to gain sympathy or respect. She wasn’t tainting someone’s image too! She was just narrating a story of her life to drive home a point. All those incidents were just to throw light on the situation then. They didn’t seem anything to her now. She talking after so many years itself meant that she didn’t want to tell any of those if there was no need to stress ‘her point’. 

She said she was in regular sadhan. She wasn’t lying. She was healed of her past. She was free of others’ misbehaviour and insensitivity – not to forget selfishness. She didn’t talk about them at a later part of her talk. It wasn’t required. We all noticed that. Later when we discussed this incidence, we did once again know the need for healing. Anybody could claim to be doing sadhan. But
if their wounds, pain, suffering and expectations weren’t healed, where did they heal? Their attitude gave away their ‘truths’. When we did reiki, it was more to get something materialistic – be it getting a bus, a ticket in train, to heal a pain or diseases, promotion, marriage or a house. We didn’t heal much in the areas of attitude. Well, where was the time? Whatever be excuse, we were more or less the same person as we were 10yrs back. We still hadn’t realized how we had been insensitive towards some in our lives. Even if we had we didn’t seek their forgiveness. We still didn’t appreciate what others did. We were still looking at flaws of others, however small it was to erase all the good that they were capable of or were doing!


1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Wonderful post
Taking me to the path of sadhan