Saturday, January 7, 2017

On wishes unfulfilled - Me, My guru


Read link to know the birth of Dhritarashtra

The entire human race owes to this sage for compartmentalising Vedas and writing great ‘sutras’ like Brahmasutra etc. He is the writer who is quoted by any teacher, any yogi and any ascended master in the spiritual field (in Indian Sub-continent). Now this learned sanyasi was very ‘frightful’ to look. It could not be the physical looks we are talking about here. All this knowledge demands ‘tapas’ – austere penance and that in turn gives a person his ‘aura’ called ‘tejas’ which was so powerful and bright that it would blind and frighten a normal human being. Now an Indian woman would never accept to have a relationship, even if it is to beget a son. She prefers to only be in physical relationship with her husband. Now this was the high value system held by Indian women and that was the tradition for many centuries to come till of course foreign invasion by Europeans who infiltered their education and western modern values into the country. 

Read related post/link to understand the same: India and the entire world need to go back to the roots of this value-system if order is to be brought back in world order and if human race is to survive its annihilation by its own stupidity and falling morals and ethics. The western world is slowly opening to see the chaos, pathos and problems faced because of lack of morals and free sex concept. They are looking to old Indian concept of one-woman-one man basis of relationship.

The birth of Dhritarashtra, Pandu and Vidura clearly shows that the mental make-up makes so much of difference in child’s healthy, abilities and in turn its fate.

The next case that we take is of a ‘divine couple’ Mrikandu rishi and his wife Marudmat who lead a very pure and austere life. When they decide to extend their family, they turn to their favourite God – Lord Shiva. They just don’t do some random pooja and ‘ask him’.  They both do austere penance to please Lord Shiva. When He is pleased, with their penance He asks them to seek a boon. They wish that they are blessed by a son. Lord Shiva blesses them and asks “Do you want to have many sons leading useless life style or one child who is brilliant, responsible, highly learned, a
great devotee but who would live for only 16 years. They chose ‘short-lived but staunch devotee’ as a son. That son was none other than the Great Sage ‘Sage Markandeya’ who with his devotion became immortal winning over Lord of death – Yama. (I am telling this story in detail presuming the readers know this story already! If someone wants to know it, please let me know).

When a child is born out of blessing, he can go on to become a great hero or even immortal. So many and it seems every animal begets children. But what’s the use of having 100 kauravas or a son as great as Ravana. It is better to wait for one single child who could be ‘Parvathi’ or ‘Dattatreya Swami’. Don’t just desire for an offspring. We don’t belong to some sub-species to beget random off-springs. As human beings, you should desire to give birth to one C.V.Raman, A.P.J.Abdul Kalam, Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Einstein, Arya bhatta, Sir Bose (Scientist), Bhagat Singh, Vivekananda, Tagore, Sarojini Naidu, Madame Curie, M.S.Subbalakshmi, Jhansi Lakshmi Bai, Chand Bibi, Raziya Sultana and like people. Why think of giving birth to one in the pod types? Wait, do penance, do more reiki and more waiting time means more reiki going to bring that should into this world and that means someone useful and worth the name. 


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