Sunday, January 22, 2017

Indian Mythology - Shiva and Parvathi - Me, My Guru


But inspite of that much of intense ‘tapas’ ‘She’ did not regain ‘All that She was’ and hence as Sati when she heard that ‘Her’ father was performing Yagna, she like a normal became restless to participate in the festivities of her ‘father’s home’. Inspite of being warned by Lord Shiva of the insult that would be meted on ‘Her and him’, she did not listen and kept insisting on going. Unable to convince and knowing fully well the future that was to happen, with heavy heart Shiva gave permission to Sati to visit her father’s Yagna. And as the consequence she had to resort to self immolation and thereby separation from Shiva for centuries to come..........

This anecdote is used by ‘male chaunist’ as ‘that’s why woman should always listen to her husband. No good would come to her if she is adamant and follows her heart’. But it actually is not so! It has got nothing to do with husband and wife’s role and husband’s supremacy. Ho no!

But it means that unless we realize ourselves completely we’ll be driven by our passions which will be self-destructive to us!

It also means that no healing is complete even when the object of our desire is received by us. Infact, our healing should increase more later because retaining needs more energy than getting a desire fulfilled.”

Here we knew we failed in this area regularly and have always suffered its consequence and later have cried our hearts out. Instead we had asked stupid questions like “Why can’t God be happy with my happiness?”

“Why should I get all problems and never am able to enjoy anything?

Others are so happy, only for me such problems..........” etc. In short, we find reasons outside of us. When all the solutions are within and all that we need to do is always ‘healing’, healing and more healing’.

Today we could see the whole picture clearly under this topic. But would we stick to healing more often and do away with complaining, crying, comparing, pitying self and seeking help from all and sundry? We doubted it. Not because it was difficult. Not even because we didn’t understand, but for the sheer joy of suffering. Yes, we were so addicted to it. We loved to play ‘victim’ and so lost patience much before it was advised. We better take a leaf or two from the life-story of Ma Sati. Even after such intense penance she couldn’t ‘live happily ever with her Love’ then our lives certainly would go for a toss time and again for want of Sadhan!


Mona said...

Thank you for these amazing words! This is so true. I have been thinking about all this, but could never articulate it. Yes, I think we all like playing the victim, more than playing the survivor. I have noticed this in soo many people, including myself.

Kshitija said...

It also means that no healing is complete even when the object of our desire is received by us. Infact, our healing should increase more later because retaining needs more energy than getting a desire fulfilled.”
The above lines are an eye opener to me

Kshitija said...

It also means that no healing is complete even when the object of our desire is received by us. Infact, our healing should increase more later because retaining needs more energy than getting a desire fulfilled.”
The above lines are an eye opener to me