Monday, January 2, 2017

On wishes unfulfilled – Me, My Guru

On wishes unfulfilled – Me, My Guru

Today, it was decided that we meditate for full one hour and start our session only then. We had just completed it when someone suggested doing ‘Light circle’ for group healing and many vetoed for it. So we ended up doing that. By the time we completed it, it was as if we all were in daze. Thank God, someone excused to prepare tea for all! God bless that soul! We all ate biscuits – didn’t know who brought it, but they were very tasty. God bless that soul too! We especially I enjoyed eating what others bring along but I hardly bring it myself. Somehow, I still couldn’t get myself to do that! That area still was open to healing and addressing. Whatever! We were relaxed and chit-chatting little nothings when suddenly a girl in her late 20’s came, sat in front of Guruji and in just few seconds broke down. She said “Guruji, as you know I’ve been married since 4yrs and yet am childless. Please tell me what to do. All our reports are normal”. She was still sobbing when she completed putting forth her petition.

I didn’t find it so worth the pain as I was not much of kid person. But Shruthi and Priya identified with that girl’s pain and suffering. Shruthi said “I know what it is like. I had similar problem couple of years ago. My relatives, friends and well-wishes (so called) well about every person gave me enough of so called ‘good advice’, concerned queries and genuine suggestion just enough to keep my pain at ‘intolerable levels’. So, now, I’ve resolved not to ask about kids to any married couple – however old they may be. God knows which wound would surface with my ‘innocent query’. But that’s long forgotten painful period of my life. Glad I came to meet her and she talked me first out of that mental makeup. Let’s send reiki to this poor kid that she be happy, healthy and peaceful right now and till her delivering a healthy baby”. She sounded so emotional and personal. 

Even before we could take those feelings Priya butted in saying “My daughter too had similar situation. She even had pcos. But she is blessed with a kid now. We were going through some rough patch financially then. Now we look back, we are glad the kid happened later when we could spend on it without cringing.
Maybe, Reiki did it on purpose. I may be wrong for I don’t have any proof to support that assumption, but I wish to believe it that way! My many explanations have proved more than once that what I lost was for my good and what got delayed also was for my own good. Me with my limited understanding ofcourse couldn’t appreciate it then but once we had crossed those troubled waters and were sitting on the shores of time relaxing, it had hit us!”

“I would take financial problem to relationship problems any day” said Lakshmi out of nowhere.

“Most of the people wouldn’t see it that way” I said as I was talking not only for myself but for majority of them.

“But, why at all should we have problems?” asked Rahul a little irritated. He followed our Guruji so to T that he reacted like her most of the times.

“No, I am not asking for this pain, but am just saying that financial problem is always welcome to relationship problem” replied Lakshmi.

“I still didn’t get my answer” I butted in before Rahul could cave in.

“Financial problem can be resolved when certain steps are taken up to meet them and over the time, it’s even forgotten”. She was still continuing when Vinay asked her a question in between “What are the steps you are talking about? This is very important and is requisite information required by all and sundry. Do share it completely” he almost pleaded.


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