Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Indian Mythology - Shiva Parvathi - Me, My Guru


“I don’t have any specific reason – just wanted to hear your version of their story – that’s all!” I blurted not having much to say on this topic.

“Yes Guruji, can’t you just say without us having reason to know” added some voice from behind. I can’t tell you how glad I was to hear someone pitch in so. I had never felt so much of affection to a stranger so much. “Yes Guruji just say as you would to the general public or first timers. Just whatever you wish to on this topic”

“Please Guruji...”


The number of voices pleading increased and she raised her hand smiling at our childish behaviour. It was true then we felt like nursery kids asking for ‘bed time story’.

She nevertheless gave in.

She adjusted herself and so did we. We were excited not because of the topic but because it had built up some excitement for being on our list for the past month or two! We were so full of expectations. Would it be met was to be seen now...

Today after so much of time we all totally relaxed and sat. Some even sat in reclining position. For once we weren’t listening to learn. Yes, we hadn’t asked to learn or unlearn anything. We felt like kids, as already told eager to listen and participate in bed time story. We thoroughly enjoyed every word she said on such days, but such occasions were far in between. There was something to be taught always in every anecdote or story that she shared. But occasions as today were rare and far in between. Would we simply doze off in the middle of it? For once, we didn’t look forward to tea. She said she would start the story after drinking tea and we were restless. We drank tea faster than usual time. No chit-chatting too. We didn’t want to contribute to her starting the story late in any way!

It was then it dawned on me that ‘If we like something, then we really don’t bother to let go off what we hold as ‘need’ too to receive it’. She had stated it so often and in so many ways – yet......her other way of putting it was “If you are ready to let go off your wants to make place for the object of your desire, it really means you like it a lot!”

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