Monday, January 23, 2017

Indian Mythology - Shiva and Parvathi - Me, My Guru


“Lord and Ma don’t represent worldly man and woman literally. They are equals so understand it differently. When female energy is not in sync with male energy then the flow can be destructive to their existence, life and thereby to their happiness!

Shiva in us represents the ‘practical and analytical mind’ and Ma represents the female energy – the emotional side of our persona. When feelings run berserk and don’t listen to reason, then it (emotions) faces dejection and that’s exactly what has happened with Ma Sati. Apply this story this way in your life and see the results. You always had to put an end to ‘a Yagna’ being performed i.e., yagna here represents some auspicious activity that would result in prosperity or fulfilment of some worldly desire, but the emotions killed the entire Idea or the activity. Then you’ll understand ‘who has to listen to whom’.

This can be seen differently too! Shiva represents the ‘Paramatma’  or the ‘Oversoul’ and Ma represents ‘soul’ (or us in short). When soul is not in sync with its oversoul’s words and warnings, the soul’s life gets exhumed in the various activities of its’ mortal relatives and it dies again and again, only to reach the ‘Paramatma’  which is its only Agenda, but which looks almost so near yet so far for so long a time!”

Here we were exhausted – not physically but mentally. Her energy and excitement was so high that we couldn’t remain unaffected by it. But we didn’t have stamina to keep up with her. And she guessed or realized it I suppose and so called for a break. Usually she gives us a break at regular intervals casually and leaves us for full 15-30mts to fend for ourselves. Today, we saw that she was not able to stop herself and yet had to – thanks to our lack of enthusiasm and stamina. She gave us our needed break inspite of herself and we lapped up more than one cup of tea today to beat the drowsiness and heaviness in our head. I didn’t know if it was because  the topic seemed too heavy for us to understand or because the air in the class was so highly charged with her energy that we actually felt heavy! She called Rahul and Aziz and instructed them to see to it that all sat in meditation for ½ an hour and slept later, say for an hour. We were glad to hear that. Rahul and Aziz guided us through meditation and later we all went into deep sleep.

When we got up we were more than fresh. We were fully charged and hence eagerly looking forward to hearing her again! We usually were served tea when we got up from sleep but not today. She got us served some sort of ‘concotion’ – kashayam which was good for digestion and was to energise us! It was bit different but good.

“After waiting for aeons, the king and queen of Himalayan region, Himavat and Meena were found eligible to be blessed by a daughter called ‘Parvathi’ who was none other than Ma Shakthi. As everyone knows, this time she was given in wedding happily by her parents to Lord Shiva. Assuming you all know the story of ‘Parvathi Avatar’ I go to that point of story where Mother declares her love for Shiva to her parents and seeks their permission to marry Him. Though reluctant to get their daughter married to a medicant, they agreed since they come to know of Her Real Nature through Rishis (seers). She with her father’s assistance goes to live in the forest where Lord is oblivious of the world lost in his meditation. There she keeps the surroundings clean (the place where He is meditating) and takes care of His food and other needs. He is unaware of all this or so it appears. Later, when she couldn’t please Him with her ‘seva’ she starts her fasting of eating only wet leaves. Time passes, yet He doesn’t open His eyes. She starts eating dried leaves only. Her parents no doubt are worried and sick with seeing their delicate young lovely daughter undergoing such austere penance. But He is unmoved. She stops even eating ‘dried leaves’. Now she fasts and lives only on Air. That’s when she becomes ‘Aparna Avatar’, the one who doesn’t eat even leaves. Satisfied with her penance, he grants himself to her as a boon against her penance. It’s only after that She is told of ‘her’ actual association with Him. She comes to know about her previous life as Sati too!

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