Monday, January 30, 2017

Indian Mythology - What to ask Shiva? Me, My Guru


But remember, He is Jagat Pita, father of the Universe. He is capable of and desires to give us ‘ownership’ of this Universe. He wishes to make us ‘immortal’ and thereby give us power over all the materials of this Universe. But, beggars that we are seek from Him only tinkles of this world. Desiring to lead a mortal life is not at fault. That was one of the objective of being clothed in this human body, but living as if ‘that is all there is’ is a curse that we have brought upon ourselves. We can become ‘fishers of men’ for Him. Instead we go collecting sea-shells from the shores of this ocean of life called ‘bhava sagara’. 

To fulfil your desires you better do reiki and use all your ‘punya’ accrued due to ‘pooja’ go to heal your attitude. I know so many do pooja to get their desires fulfilled. There is nothing wrong about it. There is a whole section of Vedic rituals that can be performed to have one’s fulfilment of desire. One such example is ‘putrapati yagna’ – yagna performed to be blessed with a child which was performed by King Dasharath who was blessed with four sons because of that – Rama, Lakshmana, Shatrugna, Bharatha. Even king Drupada, performed such yagna and received Dhrishtadyumna and Draupadi as his kids. But when there are other ways like reiki to receive it, I suggest we do that. And we keep pooja etc to heal our attitudes. 

Everyone in the world is a combination of tamo, rajo and sattva guna viz are inertia or inactivity, activity or state of passion and ego and state of purity. Now the difference between person and person is in the ratio of these three ‘gunas’ or types only. So, it is better that we work on our tamo guna or dark nature and overcome it to be more Rajasic in nature. For eg: being lazy, procrastinating, irresponsible, addiction is being ‘tamo guna’. So, we by doing ‘pooja’ can seek for these qualities to be upgraded to Rajoguna. Even we need to work consciously for the same. 

Next we need to work on our Ego which is Rajoguna quality. Here we are hyperactive and wanting and doing everything ourselves as ‘we want’ to be the one doing it all! We long for adoration, recognition and full of passion. This is better to ‘tamo guan’ but we when we are in this state should aspire to go to ‘sattva guna’ which is that of purity. It is more of divine qualities like being peaceful, calm, forgiving, contended etc.

Once we are established in ‘sattva guna’ we should desire to outgrow even this and go above gunas – guna theetha! This should be our prayer and returns for our prayer. This change is our attitude and thereby in our character will reflect in our fate and for all janmas to come. Any change here is like making ‘an Investment’ the benefit of which we get janma after janma!

But if we ask for some object of the world, then what ever ‘punya’ we accrue by virtue of pooja gets exhausted in exchange for our desire. So, nothing in ‘us’ changes. This is like using the earned money on ‘expenses’. So...........”


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Unknown said...
