Sunday, January 1, 2017

On new year’s resolution Me, my Guru


Regarding resolutions – well once you decide on your resolutions, have a print-out taken and stick it on your bathroom door, your wardrobe door, on the work desk, in kitchen, on the handle of your vehicle, as a screen saver in laptop – well about as many places as possible to have a remainder given to you by yourself through the day.

Next, stick to that resolution. For eg., you make a resolution to walk/exercise for 30mts daily. Good! Next we find we are not able to keep up our promise even for a week. Do we feel bad or whip ourselves with guilt? No. Instead do it. You cannot do it if the time is 30 mts. Make a resolution for 30mts but go on a walk for 5mts. Yes, just 5 mts is enough. If you don’t do it completely you are sending wrong signal to yourself but if you do – however little, you are ‘still doing’ and that’s what counts.

Climb down just one flight of stairs (I mean one floor only). No problem – but do it. Skip only 5 times. Ok. Do it. So you are doing exercise for 5 mts.

Good enough! I think you can do this much daily without fail for sure! Now after one month just increase the time by 2-5mts. That all! There’s no hurry. Next a month or two later again increase by 2-5mts and so on. Before long you would live your resolution effortlessly. For big changes to happen, you just have to take small steps – one a time slowly maybe but continuously. That’s all!

Like-wise, make a resolution to do full-body daily. Then do atleast 2 points in office and 2 at home, 2 at bedtime and one on bed before getting up. Next day, do the points you have missed. Lo, your full body is done. See it’s all about thinking differently. That’s all!

Resolve to live atleast ‘5 mts in the moment’ – a la’ ‘il dolce far niente’ moment. Just watch the sunrise, sunset, sky, birds, children playing, chaos in traffic, dogs fighting, boss shouting, colleague dozing off in office – just about any 5 mts – just watch – no judgements, no analysis, no opinions – just watch with the smile on your face. And rest assured, your next year’s ‘grateful, happy, thankful and wonderful moments list’ would be longer and with more beautiful memories”.

We all started writing as she left us for the day......

The list was getting bigger and bigger and so was our smile. It was such a nice feeling to put all that on paper. As papers got filled, we realized we had pushed all such beautiful moments to the back of our psyche and up on the forefront was the never reducing list of ‘my unfulfilled desire/wish/want’ which had just about 2 to 4 in it, but it had taken whole of me in it. As we wrote down and then exchanged it with others, we remembered what we didn’t consider as a blessing (which someone else did!) and added to our list. The bigger it got going, happier and excited we became and all felt more energetic and healthier. She didn’t give anything without such huge benefits at stake! Yes, it was easy to be happy, contended and at peace – not to forget being healthy and in good frame of mind if we actually followed the exercises she asked us to! Our laziness took away all our joys! Glad it didn’t win this time and in the process we won self-esteem and overcame our depression and defeatist attitude.

We immediately sent SMS and e-mails to all our friends – both in India and abroad and asked them to send their report to ‘her mail’ in a day or two. We wanted to make a booklet of gratitude and memories – which would have only our list of gratitude, thankyous and memories list in it. We were sure that in others list too we would either find one of our own or an inspiration to create one. This would increase the reiki we would send to all who shared with us atleast for few days to come and thereby we all would receive more reiki from each other which is actually so very good on so many accounts. It does pay to be a part of a group-session indeed!
The year that went by left behind various packets of joy but it certainly did end with a wonderful blast of fire-works! We were glad we asked her this question. She like many times before didn’t exactly what we hoped for or were looking for! But she gave us all that we needed to string together our dreams. And also all that that took us to fulfill them. Were we  sincere enough towards our dreams to work for them? Did we have wisdom enough to choose the right path? Well, we had to wait till end of next year to see that, I suppose.....


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