Saturday, December 31, 2016

On new year’s resolution Me, my Guru

On new year’s resolution

Me, my Guru

There was still a week to go to step into New Year but we weren’t to come to ‘her’ till then. So, we asked her to cut short our class and talk on ‘how to welcome New Year’ instead. She was a bit reluctant at the start but later agreed to. She didn’t like to cut short any class. She didn’t like to extend the class either. So, instead she told us the exercises which we could do at home. Usually, we did it here – Always! But today was a rare exception. Hence, her explanation was completed earlier. Now she used that extra time to fit in our request. Time management and prioritising should be learnt from her. She never wrapped up with ‘chaltha hai’ attitude. She never ever compromised on the quality of class. She
always said and lived “If every individual gives his best – his 100% wherever he is – be it in personal work or professional work, the world would be a better place to live. The day everyone wished to give out only the best – even in as mundane routine as cleaning the toilet, dusting, cooking or even folding the clothes – then ‘satisfaction’ would be experienced then and there! It wasn’t somewhere distant. It was in every moment well lived"

Still, we listened, were in awe of her, but went back to our old ways afterwards. We hardly took her words to action. But still, we questioned her non-stop – as if our whole life depended on it. I could continue my thoughts further too but for her intervention.

“You all want to know the options for New Year Resolutions, but I would say for a change look back at the year gone bye! Not critically though! Now I would like you all to make a list of things -

a. You have achieved in the year gone by – 2016 as ‘I learnt XYZ’, I could speak in a public function, purchased a house” just about anything you feel you have achieved worth the name.

b. Things you are grateful for – let the list have atleast 5 things you’ve been grateful for in the last year – 2016.

c. People you are thankful for in your life – as simple as a servant to an unknown stranger on road – atleast 3 of them.

d.Atleast three happy moment three happy moments of this year – 2016

Please note : (Any of you can write all these and send to my email. I’ll post it ‘as is’ in the blog. You can then even give the link to the people about whom you’ve written – if you so wish!

Don’t say, you are too busy to write or that your English is bad etc! Write atleast one topic at a time. No one bothers about language. People connect to your story through emotions. Even they would’ve experienced the same but must’ve forgotten. So be the torch to others. Share your joys/blessings with other reiki channels)

just read the link to recollect our previous resolutions :

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