Monday, December 19, 2016

on love - Bhagavatam


There is a boy called Prasad – most of you don’t know him. He is coming here daily by 5.30am. He cleans the entire compound, waters the plants and leaves by 6.30am. He is not in good position and can’t afford leaves. He travels for one hour to reach this place and again one hour to go home. Then by 9am he leaves his home to go to his office. He has been doing this for the past 15years without a break. Only times, he couldn’t come was when rain water flooded major parts of the city. He was held at his place. He can’t even
attend these classes. Yet he does this seva without fail and without expecting anything. He’s never asked to be healed – never. There has been so many emergencies in his house and life and yet....never! since, he doesn’t attend any class or sessions, he couldn’t make any friends with other students. He doesn’t do this to get ‘good name’ or to flaunt his ‘goodness’. He doesn’t even meet me most of the days. By the time, I come out; he’s gone most of the days. That is ‘love’ – love for reiki, seva or as you think it fit.....

When a person does for the other without any expectation, know him to be at this ‘space’. When all that a person desires is others’ happiness, know him to experience this love.

Isi ko tootke pyaar karna kahathe hai......

This is what is called as ‘losing the self’ completely in the other...

And who better to love than Krishna? Krishna was a yogi totally devoid of ego and ever in the state of ‘I-less-ness’. So by loving him, Radha ended up being in that space for herself effortlessly and thereby she ended by being ‘love’.So was the case of ‘Meera’ who realized her ‘Divinity’ by following this simple principle.

Krishna was ever in the state of ‘love’ and hence his every act became pure and divine by his mere touch as his thoughts were pure too! So Krishna’s love is not about his affair with others. It is his state of being that spilled on to his every act and relationship there by making them all pure and Divine. And a person at that state can’t act against anybody well being. He can’t harm anyone. He can’t be with the wrong. He automatically becomes an embodiment of ‘Dharma’ and ‘walks its path’ with smile and ease. Now tell me, have we discussed about ‘Krishna’s love’ or not?” she asked with a chuckle.

Somebody got up to prepare tea. That was so welcome at this point of time. We relaxed and stretched a little bit. Couple of students went closer to Guruji, maybe to talk about their personal issues. We were busy chatting among ourselves. This explanation was certainly anti-climax. We thought we would hear stories of Radha and Gopis. We were wrong. But we actually gained a new perspective of love. All through it was man-woman for us. Now, we saw its various dimensions. Infact, few among us actually were surprised that love can be used for so many issues and at such varied situations.

We didn’t receive what we expected. But we didn’t go home empty handed too! Then now, it was as if we were  seeing the world through a peep hole. By changing this definition and understanding its scope it was as if we had opened the door to various possibilities of letting love, happiness, purity,
contentment and completeness come into our life. Whether it was applicable – by us or not was yet to be ascertained. But we atleast knew of the possibility – that was enough to enhance our chances of being ‘blissfully complete’ person.

For today, it was no meagre possession! We went home rich!


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