Thursday, December 29, 2016

Teachers everybody - Me, My Guru


Today, we had one more reason to work on our issues – the right way. Living in pain and suffering had been for a long run. Now, it was time we took decisions to better ourselves and thereby our lives. We all sat in meditation to seal this decision of ours for more than an hour. Later we all did group reiki for the same too! 

 This was being pro-active and it meant we were going the right way. We still didn’t know where it lead us and how far we were to walk this path, but one thing was sure – we were on the right path and now only that seemed impossible. Nothing else mattered. As she said often “Be on the right path and that path itself will guide you towards the right goal for you! You may not know what it is. You may not even see or visualize or it. But it will emerge when you don’t even expect it to! ‘If you are on the right path, you never will be ‘left’ alone!’ – I liked this quotation of hers. And I like others today vowed to stick to this path and I knew that only regular sadhan can help me to do that. So I decided not to hit the pillow without completing my sadhan – if Salman can be sincere to his work out, can’t I be to my sadhan? He taught me well. Now it was for me to put to good use and benefit from it!

Others too had similar thoughts and these thoughts, idea and decisions kept us tongue-tied for the entire remaining session till noon.

Lunch shook us from our altered state and we fell back to our normal self – for some time to come………


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