Wednesday, December 14, 2016

on love - Bhagavatam


“But Guruji you haven’t yet started talking about his love” asked someone from behind.

“And pray what is it that I’ve been talking about?” she asked amused.

“You have been talking about his childhood, his attitudes and strengths. You have said nothing about Radha or Gopis when you talked about his childhood or life in Gokul. Even now you mentioned Rukmi, the Prince of Chedi but didn’t explain about his love marriage with Rukmini.

“Now I get it” she started talking still amused and laughing at that question “Love is something is between man and woman (usually) as per your understanding. But as per dictionary ‘love’ also means ‘A great interest and pleasure in something like ‘his love for football’, ‘we share a love of music’. It also means to like or enjoy very much like ‘I'd love a cup of tea’, ‘I just love dancing’ or simply for pleasure rather than profit as in he played for the love of the game’. So you see it can be for anyone or anything. By that definition, Gandhiji loved India and its people. Mother Theresa loved to serve the poor, Einstein loved Science, Paramahamsa loved Mother Kali and Swami Vivekananada loved his Guru. Like-wise Krishna loved ‘Dharma’ and his entire life was centered on upholding it. So, as I talked about his ‘loving’ taking cattle to graze, ‘love’ for discipline of practising yoga and wrestling, ‘love’ for his parents (inspite of them having hidden the fact that they were his foster parents), his love for Yadavas which did not find its’ excuse in wanting power, his ‘love’ for his community ‘Yadava’ which made him ‘create’ Dwaraka for them – of course not single-handedly and ultimately his love for ‘Dharma’ that made him work for world – order. All through I was talking only about his various loves’. He did have an affair – an affair that too a roaring one with life. That’s one hell of an affair that each one of us should learn to have – an affair that teaches you to celebrate and respect every second of life.

A look at Krishna’s face tells you scores of things about this affair of his! That’s why he is ‘premamayi’ filled with love. That’s why he is ‘the one’ to go to to learn about ‘love’.

Only a person who loves ‘himself’ can love life. And only a person who loves and respect both himself and life can love the other. If I myself am lacking in love, how can and what can I give the other?

एक भिकारी दूसरे भिखारी को क्या दे सकता है ?
Ek bhikari doosre bhikari ko kya de saktha hai?

What can one beggar give to the other?

When an insecure person profuses love to another insecure, incomplete human, its’ like one beggar is telling the other “I’ll make you king of this world!” How stupid and hilarious is that!”

“So Guruji, what is it that he had with his wives and Gopis? Was it not love?”

Though I’ve talked umpteen times about love, it is one topic that is still not understood. ‘Love’ is most  quoted or should I say misquoted, misunderstood, abused, used and yet hardly understood word in any language. (Please read “ search?q=anger+and+desire"  and before reading further).


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