Friday, January 20, 2017

Indian Mythology - Shiva Parvathi - Me, My Guru


She would suddenly stop and have that look of ‘far away’ in her eyes. We didn’t dare disturb her.  She seemed so beautifully lost to this world. But our minds couldn’t maintain their silence. They kept up their blabbering “Where was Ma when Brahma prayed to Her? If She was, then why did She have to take birth as a mortal to go back to Shiva? Couldn’t she simply go back” I mean our minds churned umpteen of such questions and they really must’ve been loud for her to come back with a jerk, become aware of the surroundings and continued “you must be wondering who is this Ma who appeared to Brahma? Well, Her body got converted into this Universe and the same energy was running it too! But her causal body (karana shareeram) was still there and that was the one that promised Brahma to be his grand-daughter. However huge a ‘energy’ is but the moment it is trapped or housed in this body, it is limited by its cover. Try to understand this with this example : there is fire in wood but it is not seen or felt. it doesn’t even burn the wood. But when the wood is rubbed, then fire is expressed or seen. What is, is not seen. What is seen is presumed to be real i.e., the wood,  but it is burnt by the ‘unseen’ fire when it expresses itself. Like-wise, Mother was in the Universe but was not expressable for want of energy. 

Then what is this Ma who has become Universe? 

How come She was, inspite of becoming the ‘power’ that was running the world and at the same time becoming ‘all of Universe’?

There is ‘hydel power’ in water. In any form of water to be, no one can see or feel that power. But it still is. Now it is the same power that is in water converted into ‘hydel power’ under certain conditions and used to make scores of jobs. Even after this power being received from ‘flowing water’ the water continues to flow without having lost any of its’ real power. It gave power yet it remains the same! The taste, colour, texture – nothing of water has changed! Changed?

Ok. Hear one more example. There is ‘static electricity’ in machine made garments like nylon, nylex and other synthetic material. Static electricity is that electricity that you see as a ‘sweet harmless shock’ and a small flicker of light that you experience sometimes when your hand rubs the synthetic material. You must’ve had similar experience with comb on hair. That is also static electricity. Static electricity is always there but is not seen. In other words it is hidden. Under set conditions, it is shown or seen. Inspite of it being expressed, the electricity of that article doesn’t get diminished. Similarly, she was in everything of this Universe as ‘She’ had entered into everything in this Universe. 

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