Thursday, January 26, 2017

Indian Mythology - Shiva and Parvathi - Me, My Guru


“So you see, she took various Avatars in a similar way like Ma Durga, Kali, Katyayani etc to put an end to some demon like Mahishasur, Raktabeeja etc.

Every Avatar had only one of the two reasons – either to kill inner demon or outer demon. That’s all!

We too as already told so many times are to kill our inner demons to fulfill this soul agenda. For us there is no killing of the other in our life agenda!

These were the reasons that caused separation in the lives of Adi-dampathi or the first couple – Shiva and Parvathi so many times”.

“But we don’t see that happen to other Gods and demi-gods. Why?”

“All other couples come together because of their karma. They have their destiny to live and that decides the partners. And hence their partners change when they change the forms or lives. But the Adi-Dampathi are not two Beings come together to work out their karma. They are not with each other because of some ‘compatibility’ or high-school romance. They meet and work towards meeting each other because they are two sides of same coin. They are two halves that can be complete only with each other. They don’t meet each other because they are two wanting to become one as us humans. But they are one split into two and hence can’t be away from each other for long. They are not living with each other. And that is beautifully and clearly put forth in ‘Ardhanareeswara Avatar’ or form. That means ‘they are one when together’.

It means that male and female energies should balance and complement each other so well that they become ‘Chidanandarupam Shivoham’ that means one become ‘pure, beautiful, bliss and Truth’ personified. In a person when both energies get balanced, this state is called ‘Shiva’ or that he’s become one with ‘Shiva’, meaning he’s become ‘The Shiva’ – the pure Bliss – The Ananda Nilaya”.

This was total Greek and Latin to us! But we didn’t dare disturb her. She was ecstatic I n her explanation. She was so lost to us. She was no more aware of us – it seemed! She was as if reciting some ‘shloka’ out loud. But whatever that was coming out of her mouth sounded pleasant and held our attention for all we cared!

“All other Gandharvas, Devas like Indra and other celestial Beings haven’t had spouse come out of them. They married some other Being. Hence, they could choose to have different partners in every life. The same is the case with human beings!”

Suddenly few of us had a thought – so what’s with this soul-mate concept? Don’t we have (atleast few of us) soul-mates whom we meet in every life? But how could we ask her, she was so lost to us now! Moreover, we were so tongue-tied just looking at her. We don’t know what came over all of us. But we didn’t even need to say aloud as we found in just few nano-seconds.

“And now some charlatans have come up with this mumbo talk of soul-mates and stuff”.

She laughed! It was sort of cynical or was it as if an adult was laughing at the kid’s stupid talk?

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